Morgan, Matthew "Matt" Somerville (1839-90)

Creator details

Morgan, Matthew "Matt" Somerville (1839-90)

Assets (173 in total)

Poster for a Christmas pantomime of 'Blue Beard' produced by Henry J. Byron at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, c.1860 (coloured engraving)
Boulogne Pier, 1870 (oil on canvas)
Vive la Guerre! (colour litho)
'Pictures in the Fire', cartoon from 'Tomahawk' magazine, August 24th 1867 (litho) (b/w photo)
A Day at Boulogne, 1870 (oil on canvas)
'The Celebrated Clodoches', poster for a pantomime of 'Blue Beard' produced by Henry J. Bryon, produced at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, 1871 (engraving)
Pygmalion and His Statue (colour litho)
Palmam Qui Meruit, Ferat (colour litho)
Pictures in the Fire! (colour litho)
St Dragon and the George or, Has it Come to This? (colour litho)
Snob on His Travels! (colour litho)
The Tourist's Guide! (colour litho)

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