Butler, Augustus (1817-63)

Creator details

Butler, Augustus (1817-63)

Assets (12 in total)

Battle of Balaclava. Brilliant charge of the Scots Greys, 25th October 1854, engraved by Augustus Butler, published by Stannard and Dixon, London, 6 January 1855 (colour litho)
Panoramic view of the Sea of Azof showing the Allied position, from government charts and plans and from sketches made by a military engineer, pub. by Stannard and Dixon, 1855 (litho)
The New Crystal Palace Sydenham, Grand Entrance, pub. 1854 (litho)
The British Museum (coloured engraving)
Vilikens and his Dinah (litho)
The British Museum, 1853 (tinted litho)
The Parting March, 1854 (colour litho)
Interior of the Crystal Palace, 1851 (coloured lithograph)
Interior of the Crystal Palace, pub. by Stannard and Dixon (coloured litho)
Streatham Park, the residence of L Jordan (engraving)
The Parting March (colour litho)
Leaving for Syria.  Crystal Palace, 28 October 1854 (colour litho)

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