Galantara, Gabriele (Rata Langa) (1865-1937)

Creator details

Galantara, Gabriele (Rata Langa) (1865-1937)

Assets (50 in total)

Capitalism from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre' magazine, pub. June 1907 (litho) (see also 75319)
War and peace, from 'L'assiette au Beurre', 1907 (print)
The Beast (Capitalism): It is only when one has killed this beast that Real Social Truth comes to light, engraved by the artist from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre', pub. June 1907 (litho) (see also 74185)
Activist's card  of the Italian Socialist Party, 1907 (lithograph)
Illustration of Galantara (1865-1937) for the Cover of L'Asino, 03/07/10 - Italy, Religion Faith, Vatican, Italian Language, Foreign Press - Pius X, Popes
War and peace. Allegorie (cartoon) by Gabriele Galantara (1867-1937) on the last cover of the French satirical newspaper “” L'plate au beurre””” n°325 of June 22, 1907. At the end of the International Peace Conference in The Hague, the allegorical figures representing Peace and War exchanged their respective attributes: Peace (lean, chetive, fragile) wears the sword (sword), the red uniform, the helmet and the military boots, the War (strong and well muscular) carries the wings of angel, the white tunic, the The legend says: The results (of the conference): peaceful militarism... or armed peace - policy of disarmament - pacifism.
L'Assiette au Beurre', number 254, Satirical in Colors, 1906_2_10
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 242, Satirique en couleurs, 1905_11_18: Anticlericalism, Bank - Cupidite/Avarice, Inquisition(lithograph)
L'Assiette au Beurre', number 242, Satirical in Colours, 1905_11_18
L'Assiette au Beurre', number 287, Satirical in Colors, 1906_9_29
'L'assiette au beurre' special Vatican (n°242 of November 18, 1905) - The denier of St. Peter (print)
Cover of' 'L'Assiette au Beurre'', number 242, Satirical in Colors, 1905_11_18

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