Raven-Hill, Leonard (1867-1942)

Creator details

Raven-Hill, Leonard (1867-1942)

Assets (56 in total)

'The Boiling Point', illustration for 'Mr Punch's History of Modern England', by Charles L. Graves, 1922 (engraving)
Lloyd George, depicted as the martyr, St. Sebastian, under attack for his National Insurance Act, which came into force on July 15, 1912 (litho) Insurance Act, 1911 (litho)
Delivering the Goods, 1915 (engraving)
Stalky and Co.
'Poker and Tongs', Punch cartoon concerning naval rivalry between Britain and Germany, 8th January 1908 (litho)
Lloyd George and Harcourt, both ministers in the Liberal Government, disagree about giving votes to women, 1910 (litho)
Lloyd George is delayed taking a patient to the doctor under his National Health Insurance Act, 1913 (litho)
The Beautiful Period; La Belle Epoque, 1888 (oil on canvas)
Lloyd George is prevented from resting by the difficulties caused by industrial unrest in Britain and additionally the problems of Ireland, October, 1919 (litho)
LLoyd George is rebuked by Mr. Punch over the Report on the British Invasion of Iraq (Mesopotamia) in 1914, cartoon from Punch magazine, July 1917 (litho)
The Liberal Prime Minister, Lloyd George,  invites his Conservative Chancellor,  Bonar Law, to visit the 'Anti-Coalition' Cinema to see
Dolly Varden (colour litho)

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