Cochin, Charles Nicolas II (1715-90)

Creator details

Cochin, Charles Nicolas II (1715-90)

Assets (51 in total)

The Masked Ball at the Galerie des Glaces, Versailles, 17th February 1745 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
Frontispiece to the Encyclopédie
Ball mask for the wedding of Louis Dauphin of France with Marie Therese of Spain in the Glace Gallery in Versailles in February 1745 (pen on paper)
Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire 1694-1778) and Madame Denis (Marie-Louise Mignot Denis 1712-90), c.1758-70 (crayon on paper)
The Masked Ball at the Galerie des Glaces on the Occasion of the Marriage of the Dauphin to Marie-Therese, 17th February 1745 (pen & ink and w/c on paper) (detail)
Frontispiece to the Encyclopédie
Representation of the ballet comedie “La Princesse de Navarre”” in Versailles, on the occasion of the marriage of Louis Dauphin of France with Marie Therese (Marie-Therese) of Spain (1726-1746) in Versailles on February 23, 1745 - comedie-ballet by Jean-Philippe (Jean Philippe) Rameau on a libretto by Voltaire. Engraving by Cochin Charles Nicolas, the Jeune, the Jeune (1715-1715-1715-1715-1715 90)
The earmaker and the mould racking illustration for Les contes de La Fontaine, circa 1743”. engraving by Charles-Nicolas Cochin (1715-1790).
Perspective view of the ballroom constructed in the courtyard of the Hotel de Ville in Paris on the occasion of the Dauphin's first marriage to Marie-Therese (1638-83) Infanta of Spain (w/c on paper)
Entrance ticket for the ball in Versailles for the wedding of Monseigneur le Dauphin, 9th February 1747 and Ex Libris with arms of Madame de Pompadour (1721-64) (engraving) (b/w photo)
Portrait of Madame Marie Therese Rodet Geoffrin (1699-1777) 1746 (red chalk on paper)
King Francis I of France receiving the Emperor Charles V at Aigues-Mortes, 1539 (engraving)

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