Henderson, Charles Cooper (1803-77)

Creator details

Henderson, Charles Cooper (1803-77)

Assets (30 in total)

Mail Coaches on the Road: The 'Quicksilver' Devonport-London Royal Mail about to Start with a New Team (oil on canvas)
A London Cab (oil on canvas) (for pair see 266153)
London to Bristol and Bath stage coach
The Stage Coach Preparing to Depart
The London to Louth Royal Mail (oil on canvas) (pair to 378792)
Mail Coaches on the Road: The Louth-London Royal Mail Progressing at Speed (oil on canvas)
The London-Brighton mail coach in front of the Royal Pavilion, Brighton (oil on canvas)
The Royal Mail Changing Teams (oil on canvas) (pair to 378793)
A Paris Diligence (oil on canvas) (for pair see 266152)
Going Shooting; a Postillion and Pair with a Game Cart (oil on canvas)
Hull and London Royal Mail, c.1835 (oil on canvas)
Let Justice be Done, 1876 (oil on canvas)

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