Visscher, Nicolaes (Claes) Jansz (1586-1652)

Creator details

Visscher, Nicolaes (Claes) Jansz (1586-1652)

Assets (18 in total)

Old London Bridge, detail from 'Vischer's London', 17th century (engraving)
Panorama of London and the Thames, part three showing Southwark, London Bridge and the churches in the City, c.1600 (engraving) (see also 7214, 64730 & 64732)
New Belgium, plate from 'Atlas Contractus' c.1671 (coloured engraving)
Panorama of London, 1616 (engraving)
Panorama of London and the Thames, part two showing St. Paul's Cathedral and the Globe Theatre, c. 1600 (engraving) (see also 64730-32) (for detail see 92085)
Iroquois Village, 1651 (engraving)
General map extending from India and Ceylon to northwestern Australia by way of southern Japan, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian archipelago (coloured engraving)
Panorama of London and the Thames, detail from part two showing St. Paul's Cathedral and the Globe Theatre, c.1600 (engraving) (detail of 7214)
Panorama of London and the Thames, part one showing from Whitehall to Blackfriars, c.1600 (engraving) (see also 7214 & 64730-31)
Panorama of Gdansk from Biskupia Gorka, 1643 (colour etching on paper reinforced with canvas)
Map of Asia Minor showing Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Lapland, Poland, Turkey, Russia and the Moscow region, c.1626 (hand coloured plate engraving)
PD.783-1963 Landscape with a Cart Crossing a Bridge (pen and ink)

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