Troy, Francois de (1645-1730)

Creator details

Troy, Francois de (1645-1730)

Assets (34 in total)

The Duchess of Maine (1676-1753) (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Jules Hardouin Mansart (1646-1708) (oil on canvas)
Charles Mouton (1626-99) 1690 (oil on canvas)
Duchess de la Ferte with the Duke of Brittany and the Duke of Anjou (Louis XV) c.1712 (oil on canvas)
Prince James Francis Edward Stewart (1688-1766) as a boy, 1701 (oil on canvas_
Portrait of Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon (1678-1737) Count of Toulouse (oil on canvas)
The Countess von Cosel and Her Son as Venus and Cupid, circa 1712-1715 (oil on canvas)
The Franqueville Family, 1711 (oil on canvas) (detail of 172297)
Portrait of Marie Therese (Marie-Therese) of Austria, Queen of France (1638-1683). Painting by Francois de Troy (1645-1730), oil on canvas, second half of the 17th century. Museum of Fine Arts of Angers.
The Artist and his Family, c.1708 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a family in an interior (oil on canvas)
Portrait Of Louis, Grand Dauphin Of France, 17th century (oil on canvas)

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