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2546146 Search Results

View of two men with spears, walking on flat terrain as they migrate with many hundreds of goats and sheep, near Ilaut, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo)
View of two men with spears, walking on flat terrain as they migrate with many hundreds of goats and sheep, near Ilaut, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo)

PRM479800: View of two men with spears, walking on flat terrain as they migrate with many hundreds of goats and sheep, near Ilaut, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Turkana elder, Kerio River, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo)
Portrait of a Turkana elder, Kerio River, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo)

PRM479801: Portrait of a Turkana elder, Kerio River, Kenya, 1961 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Maasai youth, standing, wearing the goatskin cloak and ostrich feather headdress associated with the circumcision ritual, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, 1961 (b/w photo)
Portrait of a Maasai youth, standing, wearing the goatskin cloak and ostrich feather headdress associated with the circumcision ritual, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, 1961 (b/w photo)

PRM479803: Portrait of a Maasai youth, standing, wearing the goatskin cloak and ostrich feather headdress associated with the circumcision ritual, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, 1961 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

View of trees bending in the strong winds of a gale, near Hamar, Iraq, 1953 (b/w photo)
View of trees bending in the strong winds of a gale, near Hamar, Iraq, 1953 (b/w photo)

PRM479812: View of trees bending in the strong winds of a gale, near Hamar, Iraq, 1953 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

View of six carved wooden figures marking a Konso grave, Ethiopia, 1959 (b/w photo)
View of six carved wooden figures marking a Konso grave, Ethiopia, 1959 (b/w photo)

PRM479813: View of six carved wooden figures marking a Konso grave, Ethiopia, 1959 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

View of men on horseback, holding muskets, awaiting the arrival of King Hassan II during the Feast of the Throne, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1965 (b/w photo)
View of men on horseback, holding muskets, awaiting the arrival of King Hassan II during the Feast of the Throne, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1965 (b/w photo)

PRM479818: View of men on horseback, holding muskets, awaiting the arrival of King Hassan II during the Feast of the Throne, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1965 (b/w photo), Thesiger, Wilfred (1910-2003) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

A Sudan People's Liberation Army tank entering Juba, South Sudan, December 2005 (b/w photo)
A Sudan People's Liberation Army tank entering Juba, South Sudan, December 2005 (b/w photo)

PRM479823: A Sudan People's Liberation Army tank entering Juba, South Sudan, December 2005 (b/w photo), Moro, Leben Nelson (fl.2005-06) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Noanamá boy with silver earrings, San Juan River, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)
Portrait of a Noanamá boy with silver earrings, San Juan River, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)

PRM479828: Portrait of a Noanamá boy with silver earrings, San Juan River, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo), Moser, Brian (b.1935) & Tayler, Donald (b.1931) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

A Tukano man sitting in a canoe, Piraparaná River, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)
A Tukano man sitting in a canoe, Piraparaná River, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)

PRM479831: A Tukano man sitting in a canoe, Piraparaná River, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo), Moser, Brian (b.1935) & Tayler, Donald (b.1931) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

A Makuna man taking snuff, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)
A Makuna man taking snuff, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)

PRM479833: A Makuna man taking snuff, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo), Moser, Brian (b.1935) & Tayler, Donald (b.1931) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

A Makuna man in a feather headdress, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)
A Makuna man in a feather headdress, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)

PRM479834: A Makuna man in a feather headdress, Vaupés department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo), Moser, Brian (b.1935) & Tayler, Donald (b.1931) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

View of the Chicito River at sunset, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)
View of the Chicito River at sunset, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo)

PRM479840: View of the Chicito River at sunset, Chocó department, Colombia, 1960-61 (photo), Moser, Brian (b.1935) & Tayler, Donald (b.1931) / Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK / Bridgeman Images

Algebraic Formulae and Rules for the use of Candidates for Responsions, Oxford University Press, 1870 (print)
Algebraic Formulae and Rules for the use of Candidates for Responsions, Oxford University Press, 1870 (print)

CH480620: Algebraic Formulae and Rules for the use of Candidates for Responsions, Oxford University Press, 1870 (print), Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll) (1832-98) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Title Page of Memoria Technica, Oxford, 1888 (pencil on paper)
Title Page of Memoria Technica, Oxford, 1888 (pencil on paper)

CH480625: Title Page of Memoria Technica, Oxford, 1888 (pencil on paper), Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll) (1832-98) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Denver's Union Station, seen through the Mizpah Arch, Colorado, c.1920 (b/ photo)
Denver's Union Station, seen through the Mizpah Arch, Colorado, c.1920 (b/ photo)

DPL480756: Denver's Union Station, seen through the Mizpah Arch, Colorado, c.1920 (b/ photo), Rhoads, Harry Mellon (1880/81-1975) / Denver Public Library, Western History Collection / Bridgeman Images

Pursuing Angels, 1816 (oil on canvas)
Pursuing Angels, 1816 (oil on canvas)

PNH480770: Pursuing Angels, 1816 (oil on canvas), Vogel von Vogelstein, Carl Christian (1788-1868) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Paul Cinquevalli, 1859 – 1918.  Famous Polish juggler.   From The Strand Magazine published 1897.
Paul Cinquevalli, 1859 – 1918.  Famous Polish juggler.   From The Strand Magazine published 1897.

KWE481011: Paul Cinquevalli, 1859 – 1918. Famous Polish juggler. From The Strand Magazine published 1897., English School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Gertrude Kingston, 1862 –  1937,  From The Strand Magazine published 1897.
Gertrude Kingston, 1862 –  1937,  From The Strand Magazine published 1897.

KWE481013: Gertrude Kingston, 1862 – 1937, From The Strand Magazine published 1897., English School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink on Possession Island in the Antarctic in 1895,  From The Strand Magazine published 1897.
Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink on Possession Island in the Antarctic in 1895,  From The Strand Magazine published 1897.

KWE481017: Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink on Possession Island in the Antarctic in 1895, From The Strand Magazine published 1897., English School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Louise of Hesse-Kassel, 1817 - 1898.    From The Strand Magazine published 1897.
Louise of Hesse-Kassel, 1817 - 1898.    From The Strand Magazine published 1897.

KWE481028: Louise of Hesse-Kassel, 1817 - 1898. From The Strand Magazine published 1897., English School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri, 1464-70 (tempera on canvas)
Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri, 1464-70 (tempera on canvas)

CPH481082: Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri, 1464-70 (tempera on canvas), Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) / Basilica Santi Giovanni and Paolo, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

View of the presbytery, Church of Saint Cassian, Venice (photo)
View of the presbytery, Church of Saint Cassian, Venice (photo)

CPH481085: View of the presbytery, Church of Saint Cassian, Venice (photo) / Chiesa di San Cassiano, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of cardinal Federico Corner, 1633-35 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of cardinal Federico Corner, 1633-35 (oil on canvas)

CPH481100: Portrait of cardinal Federico Corner, 1633-35 (oil on canvas), Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Giustina Renier Donà delle Rose, 1751 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Giustina Renier Donà delle Rose, 1751 (oil on canvas)

CPH481101: Portrait of Giustina Renier Donà delle Rose, 1751 (oil on canvas), Gallina, Lodovico (1752-87) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Stormy Sea, 1732 (oil on canvas)
Stormy Sea, 1732 (oil on canvas)

CPH481107: Stormy Sea, 1732 (oil on canvas), Zais, Giuseppe (1709-84) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francesco Gherardini, 1568 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Francesco Gherardini, 1568 (oil on canvas)

CPH481118: Portrait of Francesco Gherardini, 1568 (oil on canvas), Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Saint Jerome Meditating with a Crucifix (oil on canvas)
Saint Jerome Meditating with a Crucifix (oil on canvas)

CPH481120: Saint Jerome Meditating with a Crucifix (oil on canvas), Gandolfi, Ubaldo (1728-81) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Pagan Sacrifice, 1791 (fresco)
Pagan Sacrifice, 1791 (fresco)

CPH481130: Pagan Sacrifice, 1791 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giandomenico (Giovanni Domenico) (1727-1804) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Pulcinellas under an Umbrella, 1793-97 (fresco)
Pulcinellas under an Umbrella, 1793-97 (fresco)

CPH481133: Pulcinellas under an Umbrella, 1793-97 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giandomenico (Giovanni Domenico) (1727-1804) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Female Figures and Putti, c.1750-70 (fresco)
Female Figures and Putti, c.1750-70 (fresco)

CPH481137: Female Figures and Putti, c.1750-70 (fresco), Guarana, Jacopo (1720-1808) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the Basilica of Aquileia (painted & gilded stucco)
Interior of the Basilica of Aquileia (painted & gilded stucco)

CPH481143: Interior of the Basilica of Aquileia (painted & gilded stucco), Italian School, (14th century) / Basilica S. M. Assunta, Aquileia, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Ballroom, Ca' Rezzonico, Venice (photo)
Ballroom, Ca' Rezzonico, Venice (photo)

CPH481151: Ballroom, Ca' Rezzonico, Venice (photo) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Monument to the Procurator Alvise Mocenigo (photo)
Monument to the Procurator Alvise Mocenigo (photo)

CPH481156: Monument to the Procurator Alvise Mocenigo (photo) / San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

The Embroidery Workshop (oil on canvas)
The Embroidery Workshop (oil on canvas)

CPH481158: The Embroidery Workshop (oil on canvas), Venetian School, (18th century) / Ca' Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Detail of The Nativity, 1540 (oil on canvas)
Detail of The Nativity, 1540 (oil on canvas)

CPH481160: Detail of The Nativity, 1540 (oil on canvas), Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo (c.1480-p.1548) / San Giobbe, Cannaregio, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the Vaulted Ceiling of Chiesa di San Pantalon showing the Martyrdom and Apotheosis of St Pantalon, c.1704 (oil on canvas) (detail of 481162)
Detail of the Vaulted Ceiling of Chiesa di San Pantalon showing the Martyrdom and Apotheosis of St Pantalon, c.1704 (oil on canvas) (detail of 481162)

CPH481163: Detail of the Vaulted Ceiling of Chiesa di San Pantalon showing the Martyrdom and Apotheosis of St Pantalon, c.1704 (oil on canvas) (detail of 481162), Fumiani, Giovanni Antonio (c.1645-1710) / Chiesa di San Pantalon, Venice, Italy / Bridgeman Images

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