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2533413 Search Results

Ripe fruit and leaves of the Bellegarde or Galande Peach, Prunus persica
Ripe fruit and leaves of the Bellegarde or Galande Peach, Prunus persica

FLO5856269: Ripe fruit and leaves of the Bellegarde or Galande Peach, Prunus persica / Bridgeman Images

Crimson and yellow flowered Wallich's astrapaea
Crimson and yellow flowered Wallich's astrapaea

FLO5856280: Crimson and yellow flowered Wallich's astrapaea / Bridgeman Images

Many small yellow roses, Lady Banks rose, Rosa Banksiae var. lutea
Many small yellow roses, Lady Banks rose, Rosa Banksiae var. lutea

FLO5856291: Many small yellow roses, Lady Banks rose, Rosa Banksiae var. lutea / Bridgeman Images

Yellow and brown flowered wing-stalked Ammobium alatum
Yellow and brown flowered wing-stalked Ammobium alatum

FLO5856294: Yellow and brown flowered wing-stalked Ammobium alatum / Bridgeman Images

Fruit tree trunks, pears, Pyrus communis
Fruit tree trunks, pears, Pyrus communis

FLO5856505: Fruit tree trunks, pears, Pyrus communis / Bridgeman Images

Apple varieties, Malus domestica: Scarlet nonpareil, Sydenham and winter apple
Apple varieties, Malus domestica: Scarlet nonpareil, Sydenham and winter apple

FLO5856524: Apple varieties, Malus domestica: Scarlet nonpareil, Sydenham and winter apple / Bridgeman Images

Quince, Pyrus cydonia, and quince apple, Pyrus cydonia maliforma
Quince, Pyrus cydonia, and quince apple, Pyrus cydonia maliforma

FLO5856525: Quince, Pyrus cydonia, and quince apple, Pyrus cydonia maliforma / Bridgeman Images

Common medlar, Mespilus germanica, fruit, flowers, tree.
Common medlar, Mespilus germanica, fruit, flowers, tree.

FLO5856526: Common medlar, Mespilus germanica, fruit, flowers, tree. / Bridgeman Images

Cherry varieties, Prunus cerasus: Cerisier, Kirsche, cerise hative, bigarreau hatif, etc.
Cherry varieties, Prunus cerasus: Cerisier, Kirsche, cerise hative, bigarreau hatif, etc.

FLO5856534: Cherry varieties, Prunus cerasus: Cerisier, Kirsche, cerise hative, bigarreau hatif, etc. / Bridgeman Images

White and black mulberries, Morus alba, Morus nigra
White and black mulberries, Morus alba, Morus nigra

FLO5856542: White and black mulberries, Morus alba, Morus nigra / Bridgeman Images

Barberry and bilberry, Berberis vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus
Barberry and bilberry, Berberis vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus

FLO5856545: Barberry and bilberry, Berberis vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus / Bridgeman Images

Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca
Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca

FLO5856551: Banana tree, Musa paradisiaca / Bridgeman Images

Fig branch with fruit, Ficus bengalensis
Fig branch with fruit, Ficus bengalensis

FLO5856555: Fig branch with fruit, Ficus bengalensis / Bridgeman Images

Pine cone, needle, branch, Pinus pinea
Pine cone, needle, branch, Pinus pinea

FLO5856558: Pine cone, needle, branch, Pinus pinea / Bridgeman Images

Yellow and red clove spice, Caryophyllus aromaticum
Yellow and red clove spice, Caryophyllus aromaticum

FLO5856565: Yellow and red clove spice, Caryophyllus aromaticum / Bridgeman Images

Turmeric flower, leaves and rhizome root, Curcuma longa
Turmeric flower, leaves and rhizome root, Curcuma longa

FLO5856568: Turmeric flower, leaves and rhizome root, Curcuma longa / Bridgeman Images

Sugar maple tree and fruit samara, Acer saccharum
Sugar maple tree and fruit samara, Acer saccharum

FLO5856578: Sugar maple tree and fruit samara, Acer saccharum / Bridgeman Images

Blue grapes on vine, Vinis vitifera
Blue grapes on vine, Vinis vitifera

FLO5856581: Blue grapes on vine, Vinis vitifera / Bridgeman Images

Tea tree with scarlet flower and fruit, Camellia sinensis
Tea tree with scarlet flower and fruit, Camellia sinensis

FLO5856593: Tea tree with scarlet flower and fruit, Camellia sinensis / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flag iris, Iris pseudacorus
Yellow flag iris, Iris pseudacorus

FLO5856601: Yellow flag iris, Iris pseudacorus / Bridgeman Images

Yellow woad flower, seeds and root, Isatis tinctoria
Yellow woad flower, seeds and root, Isatis tinctoria

FLO5856603: Yellow woad flower, seeds and root, Isatis tinctoria / Bridgeman Images

Croton tinctorium, Senecio elegans, Dracocephalum Melissa
Croton tinctorium, Senecio elegans, Dracocephalum Melissa

FLO5856608: Croton tinctorium, Senecio elegans, Dracocephalum Melissa / Bridgeman Images

Blue Spanish iris, Iris xiphium, in half bloom and full bloom
Blue Spanish iris, Iris xiphium, in half bloom and full bloom

FLO5856609: Blue Spanish iris, Iris xiphium, in half bloom and full bloom / Bridgeman Images

Leaves and flowers of the chian tree or Cyprus turpentine tree, Pistacia terebinthus
Leaves and flowers of the chian tree or Cyprus turpentine tree, Pistacia terebinthus

FLO5856617: Leaves and flowers of the chian tree or Cyprus turpentine tree, Pistacia terebinthus, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered wormwood, Artemisia absinthium
Yellow flowered wormwood, Artemisia absinthium

FLO5856625: Yellow flowered wormwood, Artemisia absinthium, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Pink flowered and berry of sarsaparilla smilax, Smilax sarsaparilla
Pink flowered and berry of sarsaparilla smilax, Smilax sarsaparilla

FLO5856649: Pink flowered and berry of sarsaparilla smilax, Smilax sarsaparilla, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Scarlet flowered Indian pink, Spigelia marilandica
Scarlet flowered Indian pink, Spigelia marilandica

FLO5856653: Scarlet flowered Indian pink, Spigelia marilandica, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White flowered, scarlet guinea pepper, Capsicum annuum
White flowered, scarlet guinea pepper, Capsicum annuum

FLO5856663: White flowered, scarlet guinea pepper, Capsicum annuum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White flowered, black berry, garden nightshade, Solanum nigrum
White flowered, black berry, garden nightshade, Solanum nigrum

FLO5856667: White flowered, black berry, garden nightshade, Solanum nigrum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Lilac flowered jalap bindweed, Colvolvulus jalapa
Lilac flowered jalap bindweed, Colvolvulus jalapa

FLO5856668: Lilac flowered jalap bindweed, Colvolvulus jalapa, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple flowered red Peruvian bark tree, Cinchona cortex peruvianus ruber
Purple flowered red Peruvian bark tree, Cinchona cortex peruvianus ruber

FLO5856673: Purple flowered red Peruvian bark tree, Cinchona cortex peruvianus ruber, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple gentian, Gentiana purpurea
Purple gentian, Gentiana purpurea

FLO5856674: Purple gentian, Gentiana purpurea, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Pink flowered wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare
Pink flowered wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare

FLO5856685: Pink flowered wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple flowered wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum
Purple flowered wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum

FLO5856688: Purple flowered wild thyme, Thymus serpyllum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Blue flowered vervain, Verbena officinalis
Blue flowered vervain, Verbena officinalis

FLO5856691: Blue flowered vervain, Verbena officinalis, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple flowered veronica, Veronica officinalis
Purple flowered veronica, Veronica officinalis

FLO5856692: Purple flowered veronica, Veronica officinalis, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

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