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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Interior view of the apse with a fresco depicting Christ giving the law to St. Peter in the presence of saints and apostles (photo)
Interior view of the apse with a fresco depicting Christ giving the law to St. Peter in the presence of saints and apostles (photo)

MAE189161: Interior view of the apse with a fresco depicting Christ giving the law to St. Peter in the presence of saints and apostles (photo), French School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Irving (1870-1919) as Mephistopheles in 'Faust' by Goethe, 1889 (w/c on paper)
Henry Irving (1870-1919) as Mephistopheles in 'Faust' by Goethe, 1889 (w/c on paper)

USB132469: Henry Irving (1870-1919) as Mephistopheles in 'Faust' by Goethe, 1889 (w/c on paper), Calvert, P. (fl.1889) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.112 The Eucharist, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans',1469 (vellum)
Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.112 The Eucharist, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans',1469 (vellum)

XJL197060: Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.112 The Eucharist, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans',1469 (vellum), Colombe, Jean (c.1430-c.93) / Bridgeman Images

Sonnet by Petrarch
Sonnet by Petrarch

XLA3760218: Sonnet by Petrarch / Bridgeman Images

Basinet, North Italy, late 14th century (metal)
Basinet, North Italy, late 14th century (metal)

AMR424721: Basinet, North Italy, late 14th century (metal), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Poitiers on 25th October 732 won by Charles Martel (688-741). 19th century (chromolithograph)
The Battle of Poitiers on 25th October 732 won by Charles Martel (688-741). 19th century (chromolithograph)

ELD4845097: The Battle of Poitiers on 25th October 732 won by Charles Martel (688-741). 19th century (chromolithograph) / Bridgeman Images

MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)
MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)

FIT3900539: MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum), English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum)
Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum)

BAL58102: Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum), Persian School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579
Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579

AFF5615718: Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579, Unknown Artist, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charles VII (1403-61) King of France (tempera on panel)
Portrait of Charles VII (1403-61) King of France (tempera on panel)

CND135591: Portrait of Charles VII (1403-61) King of France (tempera on panel), French School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho)
Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho)

STC213525: Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho), Trelleek (fl.c.1900) / Bridgeman Images

Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum)
Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum)

XIR223836: Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum)
Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum)

CND316642: Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum), Flemish School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 134 April: Picking Flowers, from a Book of Hours (vellum)
Ms 134 April: Picking Flowers, from a Book of Hours (vellum)

XIR213928: Ms 134 April: Picking Flowers, from a Book of Hours (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Latin 13305 fol.15 The Annunciation, from 'Heures a l'Usage de Rome', c.1465 (vellum)
Ms Latin 13305 fol.15 The Annunciation, from 'Heures a l'Usage de Rome', c.1465 (vellum)

XIR208573: Ms Latin 13305 fol.15 The Annunciation, from 'Heures a l'Usage de Rome', c.1465 (vellum), Fouquet, Jean (c.1420-80) (school of) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel)
Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel)

MEP2627368: Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel), Fabriano, Gentile da (c.1370-1427) / Bridgeman Images

William II (1154-89) King of Sicily receiving a crown from Christ (mosaic)
William II (1154-89) King of Sicily receiving a crown from Christ (mosaic)

XIR228275: William II (1154-89) King of Sicily receiving a crown from Christ (mosaic), Byzantine School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Gathering Grapes: September from a statuary calendar of the Labours of the Months, c.1200 (stone)
Gathering Grapes: September from a statuary calendar of the Labours of the Months, c.1200 (stone)

LEE58322: Gathering Grapes: September from a statuary calendar of the Labours of the Months, c.1200 (stone), Antelami, Benedetto (c.1150-c.1230) / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait.
Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait.

XLA3760107: Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait. / Bridgeman Images

Alghieri Dante drawing by
Alghieri Dante drawing by

XLA3768790: Alghieri Dante drawing by / Bridgeman Images

St. John the Evangelist writing the Apocalypse, Parisian School, c.1350 (stained glass)
St. John the Evangelist writing the Apocalypse, Parisian School, c.1350 (stained glass)

XIR89167: St. John the Evangelist writing the Apocalypse, Parisian School, c.1350 (stained glass), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

St. Bartholomew the Great, Exterior view, Smithfield, founded by Rahere, mainly Norman with later additions, London, UK (photo)
St. Bartholomew the Great, Exterior view, Smithfield, founded by Rahere, mainly Norman with later additions, London, UK (photo)

JB24373: St. Bartholomew the Great, Exterior view, Smithfield, founded by Rahere, mainly Norman with later additions, London, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

St. Michael Weighing Souls, from an altarpiece dedicated to Archangel Michael, c.1200 (tempera on panel)
St. Michael Weighing Souls, from an altarpiece dedicated to Archangel Michael, c.1200 (tempera on panel)

XIR184023: St. Michael Weighing Souls, from an altarpiece dedicated to Archangel Michael, c.1200 (tempera on panel), Master of the Llusanes, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving)
Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving)

FEH332947: Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving), Gandy, Joseph Michael (1771-1843) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Roger Bacon (engraving)
Roger Bacon (engraving)

KWE268328: Roger Bacon (engraving), Cook, J.W. (19th Century) / Bridgeman Images

Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper)
Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper)

ROC693295: Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper), Mansueti, Giovanni di Niccolo (fl.1485-1527) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of Good Government, detail of Justice, Hope and Magnanamity, 1338-40 (fresco)
Allegory of Good Government, detail of Justice, Hope and Magnanamity, 1338-40 (fresco)

FAF213988: Allegory of Good Government, detail of Justice, Hope and Magnanamity, 1338-40 (fresco), Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (1285-c.1348) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 76/1362 fol.3v March: The Communion and Sermon, from the 'Heures de la Duchesse de Bourgogne', c.1450 (vellum)
Ms 76/1362 fol.3v March: The Communion and Sermon, from the 'Heures de la Duchesse de Bourgogne', c.1450 (vellum)

CND199219: Ms 76/1362 fol.3v March: The Communion and Sermon, from the 'Heures de la Duchesse de Bourgogne', c.1450 (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum)
Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum)

CND212552: Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum)
Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum)

BLP1127886: Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum), Spanish School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving)
Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving)

STC422626: Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving), Sergent-Marceau, Antoine Louis Francois (1751-1847) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Hunter 229 f.7v the Creation of Adam and his Temptation, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)
Ms Hunter 229 f.7v the Creation of Adam and his Temptation, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)

GUL175491: Ms Hunter 229 f.7v the Creation of Adam and his Temptation, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum), English School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Ital 550.0.3.15 fol.2r Map of Europe, from 'Carte Geografiche' (vellum)
Ms Ital 550.0.3.15 fol.2r Map of Europe, from 'Carte Geografiche' (vellum)

XAL249430: Ms Ital 550.0.3.15 fol.2r Map of Europe, from 'Carte Geografiche' (vellum), Russo, Jacopo (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)
Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)

GIA745724: Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885 (digitally coloured engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 3 f.66v Moses on Mount Sinai; ten commandments on scroll; representation of the Tabernacle, from the Lambeth Bible, Canterbury, c.1140-50 (vellum)
Ms 3 f.66v Moses on Mount Sinai; ten commandments on scroll; representation of the Tabernacle, from the Lambeth Bible, Canterbury, c.1140-50 (vellum)

LAM75346: Ms 3 f.66v Moses on Mount Sinai; ten commandments on scroll; representation of the Tabernacle, from the Lambeth Bible, Canterbury, c.1140-50 (vellum), English School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Cathedral from the River Seine, built in  1163-1345 (photo) (see 98568)
View of the Cathedral from the River Seine, built in  1163-1345 (photo) (see 98568)

BAL136756: View of the Cathedral from the River Seine, built in 1163-1345 (photo) (see 98568) / Bridgeman Images

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