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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Reliquary (copper & silver)
Reliquary (copper & silver)

GNM284205: Reliquary (copper & silver), German School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 209 f.51v Crucifixion, from the Lambeth Apocalypse, c.1260 (vellum)
Ms 209 f.51v Crucifixion, from the Lambeth Apocalypse, c.1260 (vellum)

LAM58098: Ms 209 f.51v Crucifixion, from the Lambeth Apocalypse, c.1260 (vellum), English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Time Is, Time Was', copy of an illustration from 'History of the Learned Friar Bacon' used in a collection of chapbooks on esoterica (woodcut)
'Time Is, Time Was', copy of an illustration from 'History of the Learned Friar Bacon' used in a collection of chapbooks on esoterica (woodcut)

STC203992: 'Time Is, Time Was', copy of an illustration from 'History of the Learned Friar Bacon' used in a collection of chapbooks on esoterica (woodcut), English School / Bridgeman Images

Magestat of La Llagonne (polychrome wood)
Magestat of La Llagonne (polychrome wood)

XIR247238: Magestat of La Llagonne (polychrome wood), Catalan School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Scenes from the Infancy of Christ, with pseudo-Kufic script, doors with figures in low relief, attributed to Gauzfredus (fl.c.1125-50) completed before 1189 (polychrome larch wood)
Scenes from the Infancy of Christ, with pseudo-Kufic script, doors with figures in low relief, attributed to Gauzfredus (fl.c.1125-50) completed before 1189 (polychrome larch wood)

PWI105626: Scenes from the Infancy of Christ, with pseudo-Kufic script, doors with figures in low relief, attributed to Gauzfredus (fl.c.1125-50) completed before 1189 (polychrome larch wood) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the Cathedral of St. Etienne, Sens, c.1874 (oil on canvas)
Interior of the Cathedral of St. Etienne, Sens, c.1874 (oil on canvas)

XIR223803: Interior of the Cathedral of St. Etienne, Sens, c.1874 (oil on canvas), Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796-1875) / Bridgeman Images

Monument to Maimonides, Cordoba, Spain (photo)
Monument to Maimonides, Cordoba, Spain (photo)

SAP492194: Monument to Maimonides, Cordoba, Spain (photo) / Bridgeman Images

William Warham (1450?-1532), Archbishop of Canterbury
William Warham (1450?-1532), Archbishop of Canterbury

USB1162077: William Warham (1450?-1532), Archbishop of Canterbury, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Window Ew depicting arms of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York with supporters (stained glass)
Window Ew depicting arms of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York with supporters (stained glass)

PC722213: Window Ew depicting arms of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York with supporters (stained glass), English School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

“Judas Iscariote approaches Christ to embrace him thus indicating to the soldiers accompanying him that it is the man to stop” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013112)
“Judas Iscariote approaches Christ to embrace him thus indicating to the soldiers accompanying him that it is the man to stop” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013112)

TRK5495187: “Judas Iscariote approaches Christ to embrace him thus indicating to the soldiers accompanying him that it is the man to stop” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013112), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

King Henry VII
King Henry VII

LAL319323: King Henry VII, English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

King Arthur on his Throne, illustration from 'Meliadus, Brother of Tristan' (vellum)
King Arthur on his Throne, illustration from 'Meliadus, Brother of Tristan' (vellum)

LRI4665496: King Arthur on his Throne, illustration from 'Meliadus, Brother of Tristan' (vellum), Unknown Artist, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Borromeo Book of Hours
Borromeo Book of Hours

MEV5049324: Borromeo Book of Hours, Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

“Jesus on the Mount of Olives (or Hill of Gethsemani) overlooking Jerusalem, moves away from the sleeping disciples to pray, before his arrest.” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013136)
“Jesus on the Mount of Olives (or Hill of Gethsemani) overlooking Jerusalem, moves away from the sleeping disciples to pray, before his arrest.” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013136)

TRK5495031: “Jesus on the Mount of Olives (or Hill of Gethsemani) overlooking Jerusalem, moves away from the sleeping disciples to pray, before his arrest.” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013136), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

“The infirm and beggars in the pool of Bethsaida in Jerusalem are healing from their evils”” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013103)
“The infirm and beggars in the pool of Bethsaida in Jerusalem are healing from their evils”” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013103)

TRK5495079: “The infirm and beggars in the pool of Bethsaida in Jerusalem are healing from their evils”” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013103), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

The Revelation of God's Promise: “After these days of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory
The Revelation of God's Promise: “After these days of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory

TRK5493481: The Revelation of God's Promise: “After these days of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory "” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. 153-013121, Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

“Jesus is led before Anan (Hanan or Anne or Hanne), Sadduceen Jew, High Priest of the Sanhedrin
“Jesus is led before Anan (Hanan or Anne or Hanne), Sadduceen Jew, High Priest of the Sanhedrin

TRK5496461: “Jesus is led before Anan (Hanan or Anne or Hanne), Sadduceen Jew, High Priest of the Sanhedrin"” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. (153-013110), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

The resurrected Christ gives the good word to the disciples to go to preach. Miniature of Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. 153-013168
The resurrected Christ gives the good word to the disciples to go to preach. Miniature of Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. 153-013168

TRK5492749: The resurrected Christ gives the good word to the disciples to go to preach. Miniature of Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. 153-013168, Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

King Richard III (1452–1485)
King Richard III (1452–1485)

USB1160075: King Richard III (1452–1485), English School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Mirror case (valve de miroir) (ivory)
Mirror case (valve de miroir) (ivory)

GLS5903256: Mirror case (valve de miroir) (ivory), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 722/1196 fol.67r Scenes from the Life of St. Romaric (d.653) from Le Miroir Historial, by Vincent de Beauvais (vellum)
Ms 722/1196 fol.67r Scenes from the Life of St. Romaric (d.653) from Le Miroir Historial, by Vincent de Beauvais (vellum)

CND220700: Ms 722/1196 fol.67r Scenes from the Life of St. Romaric (d.653) from Le Miroir Historial, by Vincent de Beauvais (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

MS 300 f25v-26r, David prays to God, from the Psalter and Hours of Isabella of France, Paris, c.1265-70 (pen & ink and tempera on parchment)
MS 300 f25v-26r, David prays to God, from the Psalter and Hours of Isabella of France, Paris, c.1265-70 (pen & ink and tempera on parchment)

FIT5911885: MS 300 f25v-26r, David prays to God, from the Psalter and Hours of Isabella of France, Paris, c.1265-70 (pen & ink and tempera on parchment), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Stadhuis, Middelburg, as it was in the 16th century, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J. R. Green, published in 1893 (litho)
The Stadhuis, Middelburg, as it was in the 16th century, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J. R. Green, published in 1893 (litho)

KWE387020: The Stadhuis, Middelburg, as it was in the 16th century, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J. R. Green, published in 1893 (litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Tomb of Jean (1234-50) and Blanche (1234-50) of France, children of Louis IX (1214-70) and Marguerite of Provence (gold & enamel)
Tomb of Jean (1234-50) and Blanche (1234-50) of France, children of Louis IX (1214-70) and Marguerite of Provence (gold & enamel)

XIR181201: Tomb of Jean (1234-50) and Blanche (1234-50) of France, children of Louis IX (1214-70) and Marguerite of Provence (gold & enamel), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Chapel of the Magadalene, the western wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'The Supper in the house of the Pharisee', 1307-08 (fresco)
Chapel of the Magadalene, the western wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'The Supper in the house of the Pharisee', 1307-08 (fresco)

GRL5901957: Chapel of the Magadalene, the western wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'The Supper in the house of the Pharisee', 1307-08 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Birds fighting from Musaeum Hermeticum, 1678 (engraving)
Birds fighting from Musaeum Hermeticum, 1678 (engraving)

XJF2906472: Birds fighting from Musaeum Hermeticum, 1678 (engraving), German School, (17th century) / Bridgeman Images

Mont Saint-Michel, Fortified gate in the Abbey, 1881 (oil on canvas)
Mont Saint-Michel, Fortified gate in the Abbey, 1881 (oil on canvas)

EDI183831: Mont Saint-Michel, Fortified gate in the Abbey, 1881 (oil on canvas), Lansyer, Emmanuel (1835-93) / Bridgeman Images

Chapel of the Magadalene, the eastern wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'Bishop Pontanus and the Magadalene', 1307-08 (fresco)
Chapel of the Magadalene, the eastern wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'Bishop Pontanus and the Magadalene', 1307-08 (fresco)

GRL5901929: Chapel of the Magadalene, the eastern wall: Scenes from the life of the Magdalene, 'Bishop Pontanus and the Magadalene', 1307-08 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The tomb of the Black Prince, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, UK (photo)
The tomb of the Black Prince, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, UK (photo)

CDR5972879: The tomb of the Black Prince, Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Ruth and Boaz in medieval dress
Ruth and Boaz in medieval dress

XLF3789030: Ruth and Boaz in medieval dress / Bridgeman Images

The Life of Leonardo da Vinci: Duomo of Milan
The Life of Leonardo da Vinci: Duomo of Milan

XLF3787500: The Life of Leonardo da Vinci: Duomo of Milan / Bridgeman Images

Nicholas Copernicus
Nicholas Copernicus

XLF3792571: Nicholas Copernicus / Bridgeman Images

Frankish kings and queens of the Merovingian dynasty (coloured engraving)
Frankish kings and queens of the Merovingian dynasty (coloured engraving)

LLM979299: Frankish kings and queens of the Merovingian dynasty (coloured engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Hubert Robert and an amateur visit a grave in a church (oil on panel)
Hubert Robert and an amateur visit a grave in a church (oil on panel)

CH2915298: Hubert Robert and an amateur visit a grave in a church (oil on panel), Robert, Hubert (1733-1808) / Bridgeman Images

Michael the Archangel, overprinted with text from Cranmer's Bible, detail of the rood screen, Binham Priory, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood) (see also 443875 to 443888)
Michael the Archangel, overprinted with text from Cranmer's Bible, detail of the rood screen, Binham Priory, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood) (see also 443875 to 443888)

HGP443882: Michael the Archangel, overprinted with text from Cranmer's Bible, detail of the rood screen, Binham Priory, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood) (see also 443875 to 443888), English School / Bridgeman Images

Construction of the Tower of Babel - German illumination, Middle Ages.
Construction of the Tower of Babel - German illumination, Middle Ages.

LSE4094311: Construction of the Tower of Babel - German illumination, Middle Ages., Unknown Artist / Bridgeman Images

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