ELD4838724: Portrait of the French educator Jeanne Louise Henriette Campan (1752-1822) with the Queen of France Marie Antoinette - (Portrait of Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan, French educator and lady-in-waiting to Queen Marie Antoinette) Etienne Charavay (1848-1899), illustrated by Charles Clerice (1865-1922) 12) 1900 Collection private, Clerice, Charles (1865-1912) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4096233: Portraits: 1. Fouhi, founder of the monarchy, 2. Kung-Tseeus or Confucius, 3. Tsin-Chic-Huang-Tsi, emperor who burned the books, 4. Laozi or Lao-Tseu, 5. Tang-Tay-Tsong, founder of the Tang Dynasty, 6. Tse-Tien-Huang-Heou, Imperatrice - in “” The Old and Modern Costume”” by Jules Ferrario, 1819 - 1820, Ferrario, Giulio (1767-1847) / Bridgeman Images