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8297 Search Results for ($XLF or $XLE or $XLA) queen portrait

Natalija Obrenovic, aka Natalie of Serbia, from Hutchinson's History of the Nations, pub.1915
Natalija Obrenovic, aka Natalie of Serbia, from Hutchinson's History of the Nations, pub.1915

KWE3533941: Natalija Obrenovic, aka Natalie of Serbia, from Hutchinson's History of the Nations, pub.1915 / Bridgeman Images

Marie Antoinette (engraving)
Marie Antoinette (engraving)

LLM972574: Marie Antoinette (engraving), Toussaint, Henri (1849-1911) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3656204: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3646389: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Roger Ascham, English scholar, writer and tutor to Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Roger Ascham, English scholar, writer and tutor to Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3646378: Roger Ascham, English scholar, writer and tutor to Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (mezzotint)
Queen Elizabeth I (mezzotint)

LLH3639064: Queen Elizabeth I (mezzotint), English School, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3639025: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (17th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3639059: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Queen Elizabeth Iere of England (Elizabeth Iere, 1533-1603).
Portrait of Queen Elizabeth Iere of England (Elizabeth Iere, 1533-1603).

NWI4944805: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth Iere of England (Elizabeth Iere, 1533-1603). / Bridgeman Images

HRH Queen Elizabeth II having a toast to both their countries with American President Ronald Regan during her visit to California, March 1983, 1983 (b/w photo)
HRH Queen Elizabeth II having a toast to both their countries with American President Ronald Regan during her visit to California, March 1983, 1983 (b/w photo)

MPX421860: HRH Queen Elizabeth II having a toast to both their countries with American President Ronald Regan during her visit to California, March 1983, 1983 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth (engraving)

LLM964903: Queen Elizabeth (engraving), English School, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queens consort crowned in Westminster Abbey (print)
Queens consort crowned in Westminster Abbey (print)

HRP5246108: Queens consort crowned in Westminster Abbey (print) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Victoria in 1887 (b/w photo)
Queen Victoria in 1887 (b/w photo)

PVD1695529: Queen Victoria in 1887 (b/w photo), Lafayette Studio (1880-1930s) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3646385: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (coloured engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (coloured engraving)

LLH3646395: Queen Elizabeth I (coloured engraving), Zuccari or Zuccaro, Federico (1540-1609) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Queen Elisabeth Iere (1533-1603) with her signature.
Portrait of Queen Elisabeth Iere (1533-1603) with her signature.

NWI4943789: Portrait of Queen Elisabeth Iere (1533-1603) with her signature. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Queen Elizabeth (litho)
Portrait of Queen Elizabeth (litho)

LLM6004500: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth (litho), Ross, Gordon (1872-1946) / Bridgeman Images

Caroline of Ansbach,1683-1737. Queen consort of King George II of England. Engraved by G. Brown after J.W.Wright.  From the book
Caroline of Ansbach,1683-1737. Queen consort of King George II of England. Engraved by G. Brown after J.W.Wright.  From the book

KWE3123795: Caroline of Ansbach,1683-1737. Queen consort of King George II of England. Engraved by G. Brown after J.W.Wright. From the book "The Queens of England, Volume II" by Sydney Wilmot. Published London circa. 1890. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mary of Austria (Mary of Hungary) (1505-1558) (Mary of Hungary (governor of the Netherlands)
Portrait of Mary of Austria (Mary of Hungary) (1505-1558) (Mary of Hungary (governor of the Netherlands)

GIA4713534: Portrait of Mary of Austria (Mary of Hungary) (1505-1558) (Mary of Hungary (governor of the Netherlands), Unknown Artist / Bridgeman Images

Queen Alexandra's Portrait (b/w photo)
Queen Alexandra's Portrait (b/w photo)

LLM3103188: Queen Alexandra's Portrait (b/w photo), Latham, Charles (d.1912) / Bridgeman Images

Royal Family on Balcony at Buckingham Palace, London, pictured after Coronation, 2nd June 1953 (b/w photo)
Royal Family on Balcony at Buckingham Palace, London, pictured after Coronation, 2nd June 1953 (b/w photo)

MPX5157282: Royal Family on Balcony at Buckingham Palace, London, pictured after Coronation, 2nd June 1953 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (engraving)

LLH3646390: Queen Elizabeth I (engraving), English School, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

HRH The Duke of Windsor, with HRH The Princess Elizabeth (postcard)
HRH The Duke of Windsor, with HRH The Princess Elizabeth (postcard)

LLR6034040: HRH The Duke of Windsor, with HRH The Princess Elizabeth (postcard), English Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Charlotte, Queen of Württemberg, Nobility, Portrait
Charlotte, Queen of Württemberg, Nobility, Portrait

ARV946551: Charlotte, Queen of Württemberg, Nobility, Portrait / Bridgeman Images

Eleonore Queen of Bulgaria, Portrait, Crown
Eleonore Queen of Bulgaria, Portrait, Crown

ARV946238: Eleonore Queen of Bulgaria, Portrait, Crown / Bridgeman Images

King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine of Denmark (colour litho)
King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine of Denmark (colour litho)

LLM2780030: King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine of Denmark (colour litho), French School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Karnak: Temple of Amon. Queen Nefertari at the foot of the colossus of RAMSES II, Luxor site, Egypt.
Karnak: Temple of Amon. Queen Nefertari at the foot of the colossus of RAMSES II, Luxor site, Egypt.

THT4306003: Karnak: Temple of Amon. Queen Nefertari at the foot of the colossus of RAMSES II, Luxor site, Egypt. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III (Vittorio Emanuele) (1869-1947) and Queen Elena Petrovich Njegosh (1873-1952).
Portrait of the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III (Vittorio Emanuele) (1869-1947) and Queen Elena Petrovich Njegosh (1873-1952).

JAB5036644: Portrait of the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III (Vittorio Emanuele) (1869-1947) and Queen Elena Petrovich Njegosh (1873-1952). / Bridgeman Images

Samilia, Hungarian Gypsy Queen (b/w photo)
Samilia, Hungarian Gypsy Queen (b/w photo)

LLR984390: Samilia, Hungarian Gypsy Queen (b/w photo), American Photographer (19th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in Caceres, 15th century (ceramic)
Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in Caceres, 15th century (ceramic)

IBE5387548: Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in Caceres, 15th century (ceramic) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Claude de France, wife of King Francois 1st (1499-1524).
Portrait of Claude de France, wife of King Francois 1st (1499-1524).

XEE4415418: Portrait of Claude de France, wife of King Francois 1st (1499-1524)., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Princess Elisabeth of Romania, future Queen Consort of King George II of Greece (b/w photo)
Princess Elisabeth of Romania, future Queen Consort of King George II of Greece (b/w photo)

LLH5235004: Princess Elisabeth of Romania, future Queen Consort of King George II of Greece (b/w photo), Romanian Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Victoria Memorial (photo)
Victoria Memorial (photo)

VBN404626: Victoria Memorial (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bust of the Empress Maria of Habsburg, before 1576 (molded and painted wax on stone, beads, emerald & wood)
Bust of the Empress Maria of Habsburg, before 1576 (molded and painted wax on stone, beads, emerald & wood)

MEV5045052: Bust of the Empress Maria of Habsburg, before 1576 (molded and painted wax on stone, beads, emerald & wood), Abondio, Antonio (1538-91) / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Queen of England (engraving)
Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Queen of England (engraving)

KWE166416: Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Queen of England (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1575 (oil on panel)
Queen Elizabeth I, c.1575 (oil on panel)

LRI5974594: Queen Elizabeth I, c.1575 (oil on panel), English School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

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