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798188 Search Results

View of Quebec City at the beginning of the 19th century. Colour lithography.
View of Quebec City at the beginning of the 19th century. Colour lithography.

GIA4767283: View of Quebec City at the beginning of the 19th century. Colour lithography., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The attack in Lisbon: The King of Portugal (Carlos I) (Charles I) and the Crown Prince (Louis Philippe) are assassinated on 01/02/1908. Ill. d'A. Beltrame.
The attack in Lisbon: The King of Portugal (Carlos I) (Charles I) and the Crown Prince (Louis Philippe) are assassinated on 01/02/1908. Ill. d'A. Beltrame.

GIA4766633: The attack in Lisbon: The King of Portugal (Carlos I) (Charles I) and the Crown Prince (Louis Philippe) are assassinated on 01/02/1908. Ill. d'A. Beltrame. "La Domenica del corriere". 02/1908., Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Cycling: Italian victory in France. Rider Ottavio Bottecchia has won the Tour de France. ILL; by A. Beltrame.
Cycling: Italian victory in France. Rider Ottavio Bottecchia has won the Tour de France. ILL; by A. Beltrame.

GIA4766649: Cycling: Italian victory in France. Rider Ottavio Bottecchia has won the Tour de France. ILL; by A. Beltrame. ""La Domenica del Corriere"". 08/1924., Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Dante and Virgil meet the giant Anteas. Ill. for the Divine Comedy by Dante Anlighieri by Gustave Doré.
Dante and Virgil meet the giant Anteas. Ill. for the Divine Comedy by Dante Anlighieri by Gustave Doré.

GIA4767020: Dante and Virgil meet the giant Anteas. Ill. for the Divine Comedy by Dante Anlighieri by Gustave Doré., Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The hell of fire and flames. The Signal Hill oil well fire in California. Ill. by W. Beltrame.
The hell of fire and flames. The Signal Hill oil well fire in California. Ill. by W. Beltrame.

GIA4766175: The hell of fire and flames. The Signal Hill oil well fire in California. Ill. by W. Beltrame. "La Domenica del corriere", 28/12/1924., Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Schonbrunn Park, a complex of palaces and gardens located not far from Vienna, was the summer residence of the Habsburg family since the 18th century. Lithograph of the 19th century.
Schonbrunn Park, a complex of palaces and gardens located not far from Vienna, was the summer residence of the Habsburg family since the 18th century. Lithograph of the 19th century.

GIA4766182: Schonbrunn Park, a complex of palaces and gardens located not far from Vienna, was the summer residence of the Habsburg family since the 18th century. Lithograph of the 19th century., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The great Italian triumph in the Schneider Cup. The arrival of the intrepid Major Mario de Bernardi, acclaimed by the crowd. Ill. d'A. Beltrame.
The great Italian triumph in the Schneider Cup. The arrival of the intrepid Major Mario de Bernardi, acclaimed by the crowd. Ill. d'A. Beltrame.

GIA4766582: The great Italian triumph in the Schneider Cup. The arrival of the intrepid Major Mario de Bernardi, acclaimed by the crowd. Ill. d'A. Beltrame. "La Domenica del Corriere", 28/11/1926., Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

View of the city of Leipzig in Germany. Lithograph from around 1820.
View of the city of Leipzig in Germany. Lithograph from around 1820.

GIA4766248: View of the city of Leipzig in Germany. Lithograph from around 1820., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Satirical vignette against Jansenism.
Satirical vignette against Jansenism.

GIA4767335: Satirical vignette against Jansenism., Unknown Artist, (17th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in Polynesia after the “Viaggi del Capitano Cook”, engraving of the 19th century.
The Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in Polynesia after the “Viaggi del Capitano Cook”, engraving of the 19th century.

GIA4767251: The Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in Polynesia after the “Viaggi del Capitano Cook”, engraving of the 19th century., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Satirical vignette against Jansenism.
Satirical vignette against Jansenism.

GIA4767305: Satirical vignette against Jansenism., Unknown Artist, (17th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The death of the pirate Edward Teach called Barbenoire (Blackbeard or Blackbeard, 1680-1718). Engraving of “The pirate own book”, 1837.
The death of the pirate Edward Teach called Barbenoire (Blackbeard or Blackbeard, 1680-1718). Engraving of “The pirate own book”, 1837.

GIA4778170: The death of the pirate Edward Teach called Barbenoire (Blackbeard or Blackbeard, 1680-1718). Engraving of “The pirate own book”, 1837., American School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Interior of a lodge of the teatro alla Scala. 1844.
Interior of a lodge of the teatro alla Scala. 1844.

GIA4778295: Interior of a lodge of the teatro alla Scala. 1844., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Napoleonic War: Battle of Marengo, June 14, 1800 north of Genes, which concluded the war of the Second Coalition: the death of Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (1768-1800). Illustration of the 19th century.
Napoleonic War: Battle of Marengo, June 14, 1800 north of Genes, which concluded the war of the Second Coalition: the death of Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (1768-1800). Illustration of the 19th century.

GIA4778592: Napoleonic War: Battle of Marengo, June 14, 1800 north of Genes, which concluded the war of the Second Coalition: the death of Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (1768-1800). Illustration of the 19th century., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Pope Leon II (682-683).
Portrait of Pope Leon II (682-683).

GIA4778718: Portrait of Pope Leon II (682-683)., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Culture, civilization and Indian society: Portrait of a fakir (faquir) with long nails, India.
Culture, civilization and Indian society: Portrait of a fakir (faquir) with long nails, India.

GIA4778767: Culture, civilization and Indian society: Portrait of a fakir (faquir) with long nails, India., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

18th century Chinese world map: above, view of the hemispheres North and South, bottom view of the Arctic (North pole) and Antarctica (South pole)
18th century Chinese world map: above, view of the hemispheres North and South, bottom view of the Arctic (North pole) and Antarctica (South pole)

GIA4778945: 18th century Chinese world map: above, view of the hemispheres North and South, bottom view of the Arctic (North pole) and Antarctica (South pole), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Nicolas Flamel (1330 - 1418) in his laboratory.
Nicolas Flamel (1330 - 1418) in his laboratory.

GIA4778951: Nicolas Flamel (1330 - 1418) in his laboratory., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Giulia Beltramini Marcora in “La traviata”” by Giuseppe Verdi. Lithograph from the end of the 19th century.
Portrait of Giulia Beltramini Marcora in “La traviata”” by Giuseppe Verdi. Lithograph from the end of the 19th century.

GIA4776749: Portrait of Giulia Beltramini Marcora in “La traviata”” by Giuseppe Verdi. Lithograph from the end of the 19th century., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida: the pharaoh. 1872
Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida: the pharaoh. 1872

GIA4776852: Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida: the pharaoh. 1872, Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi: the pretress of Iside. 1872
Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi: the pretress of Iside. 1872

GIA4776858: Series of chromolithographs of opera costumes on the occasion of the first representation of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi: the pretress of Iside. 1872, Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Costume of young lady of the nobility of Syracuse draws by Gironi for the opera “Tancredi”” (Tancrede) by Gioacchino Rossini. 1813
Costume of young lady of the nobility of Syracuse draws by Gironi for the opera “Tancredi”” (Tancrede) by Gioacchino Rossini. 1813

GIA4776894: Costume of young lady of the nobility of Syracuse draws by Gironi for the opera “Tancredi”” (Tancrede) by Gioacchino Rossini. 1813, Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Woman of the Chinese nobility. “De China Monumenta” by Athanasius Kircher (1601 - 1680), Jesuit, Orientalist and German scholar, Amsterdam 1667.
Woman of the Chinese nobility. “De China Monumenta” by Athanasius Kircher (1601 - 1680), Jesuit, Orientalist and German scholar, Amsterdam 1667.

GIA4777035: Woman of the Chinese nobility. “De China Monumenta” by Athanasius Kircher (1601 - 1680), Jesuit, Orientalist and German scholar, Amsterdam 1667., Unknown Artist, (17th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Oriental baths in Budapest. The pink room, 1868. Engraving.
Oriental baths in Budapest. The pink room, 1868. Engraving.

GIA4777055: Oriental baths in Budapest. The pink room, 1868. Engraving., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Earthquake of Oppido Mamertina in Calabria (Meridionale Italy) on 15 February 1783.
Earthquake of Oppido Mamertina in Calabria (Meridionale Italy) on 15 February 1783.

GIA4777093: Earthquake of Oppido Mamertina in Calabria (Meridionale Italy) on 15 February 1783., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Representation of a dragon: engraving from Johann Stumpff's “Den Edlen Strengen Besten Fromen”. 1550
Representation of a dragon: engraving from Johann Stumpff's “Den Edlen Strengen Besten Fromen”. 1550

GIA4777341: Representation of a dragon: engraving from Johann Stumpff's “Den Edlen Strengen Besten Fromen”. 1550, Swiss School, (16th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Li Bai (Li Po, Li Tai Po, Li Tai Pe) (701-762), Chinese poet.
Li Bai (Li Po, Li Tai Po, Li Tai Pe) (701-762), Chinese poet.

GIA4777354: Li Bai (Li Po, Li Tai Po, Li Tai Pe) (701-762), Chinese poet., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Measurement of the Earth. Detail of the atlas by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638). Amsterdam 1630.
Measurement of the Earth. Detail of the atlas by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638). Amsterdam 1630.

GIA4777406: Measurement of the Earth. Detail of the atlas by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638). Amsterdam 1630., Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A daring escape of four inmates from Asti prison after breaking through the wall. Drawing by Beltrame. La Domenica del Corriere. 1902
A daring escape of four inmates from Asti prison after breaking through the wall. Drawing by Beltrame. La Domenica del Corriere. 1902

GIA4777457: A daring escape of four inmates from Asti prison after breaking through the wall. Drawing by Beltrame. La Domenica del Corriere. 1902, Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The pirate gentleman Jean Lafitte (1780-1826) approaches the Queen East ship of the Compagnie des Indes. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.
The pirate gentleman Jean Lafitte (1780-1826) approaches the Queen East ship of the Compagnie des Indes. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.

GIA4777675: The pirate gentleman Jean Lafitte (1780-1826) approaches the Queen East ship of the Compagnie des Indes. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837., Anonymous / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Captain Bartholomew Roberts's crew resting near the Old Calabar River, late 17th century. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.
Captain Bartholomew Roberts's crew resting near the Old Calabar River, late 17th century. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.

GIA4777702: Captain Bartholomew Roberts's crew resting near the Old Calabar River, late 17th century. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837., Anonymous / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The pirate “” Long Ben”” John Avery (did in 1643) loaded three crates of treasor (gold and stones) on his ship. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.
The pirate “” Long Ben”” John Avery (did in 1643) loaded three crates of treasor (gold and stones) on his ship. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837.

GIA4777730: The pirate “” Long Ben”” John Avery (did in 1643) loaded three crates of treasor (gold and stones) on his ship. Engraving of “” The pirate own book”” 1837., Anonymous / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Tom Chist's treasor: “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887.
Tom Chist's treasor: “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887.

GIA4777778: Tom Chist's treasor: “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887., American School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a pirate. “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the Spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887.
Portrait of a pirate. “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the Spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887.

GIA4777820: Portrait of a pirate. “” Book of pirates Buccaneers and Marooners of the Spanish Main”” by Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911), American illustrator. 1887., American School, (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Gioacchino Conti, dit Gizziello (1714-1761) (Castrat) (Castrato) the Italian.
Portrait of Gioacchino Conti, dit Gizziello (1714-1761) (Castrat) (Castrato) the Italian.

GIA4778074: Portrait of Gioacchino Conti, dit Gizziello (1714-1761) (Castrat) (Castrato) the Italian., Unknown artist, (18th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Theodoric I the Great (v. 454-526), king of the Ostrogoths (474-526) and founder of the Ostrogoth kingdom in Italy.
Theodoric I the Great (v. 454-526), king of the Ostrogoths (474-526) and founder of the Ostrogoth kingdom in Italy.

GIA4778502: Theodoric I the Great (v. 454-526), king of the Ostrogoths (474-526) and founder of the Ostrogoth kingdom in Italy., Unknown Artist, (17th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

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