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2533476 Search Results

Page 37. The Pompadour bird; the Damascus dove, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 37. The Pompadour bird; the Damascus dove, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670009: Page 37. The Pompadour bird; the Damascus dove, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 38. The Indian Stare; the Hoopoe, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 38. The Indian Stare; the Hoopoe, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670010: Page 38. The Indian Stare; the Hoopoe, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 43. The Penguin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 43. The Penguin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670015: Page 43. The Penguin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 54. The Kingfisher, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 54. The Kingfisher, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670018: Page 54. The Kingfisher, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 60. The horn or nose of the Saw Fish; the Boa Constricta; the Sea Hedgehog, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 60. The horn or nose of the Saw Fish; the Boa Constricta; the Sea Hedgehog, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670022: Page 60. The horn or nose of the Saw Fish; the Boa Constricta; the Sea Hedgehog, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 73. Orang Outang copied from a young animal exhibited in Dublin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 73. Orang Outang copied from a young animal exhibited in Dublin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670027: Page 73. Orang Outang copied from a young animal exhibited in Dublin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 93. The Viper; the Whip Snake, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 93. The Viper; the Whip Snake, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670034: Page 93. The Viper; the Whip Snake, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 116. The Giraffe or Cameleopard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 116. The Giraffe or Cameleopard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670046: Page 116. The Giraffe or Cameleopard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 129. The Chevrotin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 129. The Chevrotin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670049: Page 129. The Chevrotin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 131. The American Squirrel; the American Turkey, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 131. The American Squirrel; the American Turkey, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670050: Page 131. The American Squirrel; the American Turkey, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 154. The Sucking Fish; the Cameleon, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 154. The Sucking Fish; the Cameleon, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670057: Page 154. The Sucking Fish; the Cameleon, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 160. Kettle found in a bog; the lizard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 160. Kettle found in a bog; the lizard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670061: Page 160. Kettle found in a bog; the lizard, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 174. Antient steel breast pin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 174. Antient steel breast pin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670072: Page 174. Antient steel breast pin, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 175. This bottle must have been twice in the fire, being of green glass within and stained on the outside; head of an Irish arrow, made of flint, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 175. This bottle must have been twice in the fire, being of green glass within and stained on the outside; head of an Irish arrow, made of flint, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670073: Page 175. This bottle must have been twice in the fire, being of green glass within and stained on the outside; head of an Irish arrow, made of flint, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 180. The Balearic, or Royal Crown Crane, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 180. The Balearic, or Royal Crown Crane, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670076: Page 180. The Balearic, or Royal Crown Crane, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 189. Kaver?, du, Vals, they are the same size as the Humming bird, and are copied from living birds, exhibited in Dublin; the shell of a Sea Orb, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 189. Kaver?, du, Vals, they are the same size as the Humming bird, and are copied from living birds, exhibited in Dublin; the shell of a Sea Orb, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670078: Page 189. Kaver?, du, Vals, they are the same size as the Humming bird, and are copied from living birds, exhibited in Dublin; the shell of a Sea Orb, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 193. The Blue Shark, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 193. The Blue Shark, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670080: Page 193. The Blue Shark, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 204. The Crocodile, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 204. The Crocodile, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670084: Page 204. The Crocodile, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 215. The Paddle instrument held in the hand when dancing. From King George's Sound; pillow, of wood from Otaheite; fishing Hooks from New Zealand, they are of an immense size 2 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 215. The Paddle instrument held in the hand when dancing. From King George's Sound; pillow, of wood from Otaheite; fishing Hooks from New Zealand, they are of an immense size 2 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670089: Page 215. The Paddle instrument held in the hand when dancing. From King George's Sound; pillow, of wood from Otaheite; fishing Hooks from New Zealand, they are of an immense size 2 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 217. Mouth organs, from the Friendly Isles; dancing man, carved in wood at the Sandwich Islands, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 217. Mouth organs, from the Friendly Isles; dancing man, carved in wood at the Sandwich Islands, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670091: Page 217. Mouth organs, from the Friendly Isles; dancing man, carved in wood at the Sandwich Islands, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 220. Dress of a Naval Warrior from Otaheite, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 220. Dress of a Naval Warrior from Otaheite, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670094: Page 220. Dress of a Naval Warrior from Otaheite, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 225. The Gold Head Traveller, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 225. The Gold Head Traveller, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670100: Page 225. The Gold Head Traveller, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 227. Five small specimens of the Cornu Amonis 5 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 227. Five small specimens of the Cornu Amonis 5 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670101: Page 227. Five small specimens of the Cornu Amonis 5 drawings, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 228. Head of the Horn Bird; skull of a South Sea Porpesse; tooth of a Sea Horse, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)
Page 228. Head of the Horn Bird; skull of a South Sea Porpesse; tooth of a Sea Horse, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text)

NSW5670102: Page 228. Head of the Horn Bird; skull of a South Sea Porpesse; tooth of a Sea Horse, 1810-17 (w/c & manuscript text), Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-80) / Bridgeman Images

Page 255. Melaleuca, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)
Page 255. Melaleuca, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)

NSW5670611: Page 255. Melaleuca, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil), Lewin, John William (1770-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Page 257. Galium sp., c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)
Page 257. Galium sp., c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)

NSW5670613: Page 257. Galium sp., c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil), Lewin, John William (1770-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Page 260. Leucopogon margarodes, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)
Page 260. Leucopogon margarodes, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)

NSW5670616: Page 260. Leucopogon margarodes, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil), Lewin, John William (1770-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Page 268. Helichrysum diosmifolium/Ozothamnus diosmifolius, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)
Page 268. Helichrysum diosmifolium/Ozothamnus diosmifolius, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)

NSW5670623: Page 268. Helichrysum diosmifolium/Ozothamnus diosmifolius, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil), Lewin, John William (1770-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Page 272. Goodenia heterophylla, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)
Page 272. Goodenia heterophylla, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil)

NSW5670627: Page 272. Goodenia heterophylla, c.1803-06 (w/c, pen, ink and pencil), Lewin, John William (1770-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Page 6. Barita. above title in different hand May. Natural size Black, Backed Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 6. Barita. above title in different hand May. Natural size Black, Backed Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670638: Page 6. Barita. above title in different hand May. Natural size Black, Backed Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 14. Ceblephyris. above title in different hand August. Natural size Little Cuckoo, Shrike? Coracina robusta, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 14. Ceblephyris. above title in different hand August. Natural size Little Cuckoo, Shrike? Coracina robusta, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670646: Page 14. Ceblephyris. above title in different hand August. Natural size Little Cuckoo, Shrike? Coracina robusta, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 16. Ceblephyris along lower edge in different hand The same size as the Bird the drawing was taken from. April Grey Shrike Thrush Colluricincla harmonica, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 16. Ceblephyris along lower edge in different hand The same size as the Bird the drawing was taken from. April Grey Shrike Thrush Colluricincla harmonica, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670648: Page 16. Ceblephyris along lower edge in different hand The same size as the Bird the drawing was taken from. April Grey Shrike Thrush Colluricincla harmonica, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 24. Natural size Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor, male, Norfolk Island, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 24. Natural size Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor, male, Norfolk Island, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670656: Page 24. Natural size Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor, male, Norfolk Island, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 35. Natural size Emu, Wren, male Stipiturus malachurus, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 35. Natural size Emu, Wren, male Stipiturus malachurus, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670667: Page 35. Natural size Emu, Wren, male Stipiturus malachurus, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 38. Alundu? above title in different hand Natural size,  July Pipit Anthus australis, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 38. Alundu? above title in different hand Natural size,  July Pipit Anthus australis, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670670: Page 38. Alundu? above title in different hand Natural size,  July Pipit Anthus australis, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Page 41. Fringilla. above title in different hand June. Natural size. Iris doubtfull Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, immature, 1791-92 (w/c)
Page 41. Fringilla. above title in different hand June. Natural size. Iris doubtfull Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, immature, 1791-92 (w/c)

NSW5670673: Page 41. Fringilla. above title in different hand June. Natural size. Iris doubtfull Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata, immature, 1791-92 (w/c), Unknown artist, (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

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