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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

St. Bruno (1030-1101) Praying in the Desert, 1763 (oil on canvas)
St. Bruno (1030-1101) Praying in the Desert, 1763 (oil on canvas)

XIR200019: St. Bruno (1030-1101) Praying in the Desert, 1763 (oil on canvas), Restout, Jean Bernard (1732-97) / Bridgeman Images

Fol.31r Chilperic I (543-97) and Fredegonde on Horseback, from the Grandes Chroniques de France, 1375-79 (vellum)
Fol.31r Chilperic I (543-97) and Fredegonde on Horseback, from the Grandes Chroniques de France, 1375-79 (vellum)

XIR242587: Fol.31r Chilperic I (543-97) and Fredegonde on Horseback, from the Grandes Chroniques de France, 1375-79 (vellum), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

IBE5343311: ""Les meuniers transportant du ble au moulin par bateau sur la Seine a Paris"" Miniature tiree de ""Vue de Saint Denis"" 1317. Paris, B.N., French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Grotesques, illustration from the Jewish Cervera Bible, 1299 (vellum)
Grotesques, illustration from the Jewish Cervera Bible, 1299 (vellum)

XIR316383: Grotesques, illustration from the Jewish Cervera Bible, 1299 (vellum), Ha-Zarefati, Joseph (fl.1299) / Bridgeman Images

St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63354: St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Jews in Middle Ages wearing Identifying Badges, 'The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol.II' by Funk & Wagnalls, c.1901-06 (print)
Jews in Middle Ages wearing Identifying Badges, 'The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol.II' by Funk & Wagnalls, c.1901-06 (print)

XLF3782714: Jews in Middle Ages wearing Identifying Badges, 'The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol.II' by Funk & Wagnalls, c.1901-06 (print), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Knight chess piece, French, late 11th century (ivory)
Knight chess piece, French, late 11th century (ivory)

AII79979: Knight chess piece, French, late 11th century (ivory) / Bridgeman Images

Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem restoring religion in Armenia in 1347, 1844 (oil on canvas)
Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem restoring religion in Armenia in 1347, 1844 (oil on canvas)

XIR200561: Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem restoring religion in Armenia in 1347, 1844 (oil on canvas), Delaborde, Henri (1811-99) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Arsenal 5077 f.298 King Arthur fights a Roman general, from a manuscript of Histories, by the Boucicaut Master (vellum)
Ms Arsenal 5077 f.298 King Arthur fights a Roman general, from a manuscript of Histories, by the Boucicaut Master (vellum)

COB66472: Ms Arsenal 5077 f.298 King Arthur fights a Roman general, from a manuscript of Histories, by the Boucicaut Master (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Two Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum)
Two Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum)

AIS290255: Two Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum), Spanish School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

How the Great Khan used tree bark as currency, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
How the Great Khan used tree bark as currency, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)

CHT38277: How the Great Khan used tree bark as currency, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum), Boucicaut Master, (fl.1390-1430) (and workshop) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63338: St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 266 f.37 Portrait of Humphrey of England (1390-1447) Duke of Gloucester, from the 'Recueil d'Arras' (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)
Ms 266 f.37 Portrait of Humphrey of England (1390-1447) Duke of Gloucester, from the 'Recueil d'Arras' (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)

XIR166075: Ms 266 f.37 Portrait of Humphrey of England (1390-1447) Duke of Gloucester, from the 'Recueil d'Arras' (pencil on paper) (b/w photo), Flemish School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms.Fr.218 The Six Ages of Man (vellum) from
Ms.Fr.218 The Six Ages of Man (vellum) from

CHT344047: Ms.Fr.218 The Six Ages of Man (vellum) from "Des Proprietez des Choses" by Bartholomeus Anglicus, French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation and the Visitation (stone)
The Annunciation and the Visitation (stone)

XIR95770: The Annunciation and the Visitation (stone), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Pastimes of Our Ancestors: When Knights Were Bold
The Pastimes of Our Ancestors: When Knights Were Bold

LAL319959: The Pastimes of Our Ancestors: When Knights Were Bold, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images

Lewis Chesspiece - King (walrus ivory)
Lewis Chesspiece - King (walrus ivory)

MSC2973777: Lewis Chesspiece - King (walrus ivory), Scandinavian school (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Fol.89v  Four Arabic Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum)
Fol.89v  Four Arabic Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum)

XIR203414: Fol.89v Four Arabic Backgammon Players, from the 'Book of Games, Chess, Dice and Boards', 1282 (vellum), Spanish School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Copy of Catalan Map of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (hand-coloured engraving)
Copy of Catalan Map of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (hand-coloured engraving)

XCF307352: Copy of Catalan Map of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (hand-coloured engraving), Cresques, Abraham (1325-87) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Altarpiece of St. Vincent, detail of the Infant Panel, c.1467-70 (oil on panel)
The Altarpiece of St. Vincent, detail of the Infant Panel, c.1467-70 (oil on panel)

XIR159149: The Altarpiece of St. Vincent, detail of the Infant Panel, c.1467-70 (oil on panel), Goncalves or Gonzalvez, Nuno (fl.1450-71) / Bridgeman Images

National Symbols of Britain: Emblems of the United Kingdom
National Symbols of Britain: Emblems of the United Kingdom

LAL299634: National Symbols of Britain: Emblems of the United Kingdom, Escott, Dan (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 334/569 fig.11 Doctor Cutting Open a Patient's Skull, from 'Liber notabilium Philippi Septimi, francorum regis, a libris Galieni extratus' by Guy of Pavia, 1345 (vellum)
Ms 334/569 fig.11 Doctor Cutting Open a Patient's Skull, from 'Liber notabilium Philippi Septimi, francorum regis, a libris Galieni extratus' by Guy of Pavia, 1345 (vellum)

CND155324: Ms 334/569 fig.11 Doctor Cutting Open a Patient's Skull, from 'Liber notabilium Philippi Septimi, francorum regis, a libris Galieni extratus' by Guy of Pavia, 1345 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 250 f.24r St. Radegund (518-87) at the table of Clothar I (497-561) from the 'Life of St. Radegund' (vellum) (detail of 173477)
Ms 250 f.24r St. Radegund (518-87) at the table of Clothar I (497-561) from the 'Life of St. Radegund' (vellum) (detail of 173477)

XIR182181: Ms 250 f.24r St. Radegund (518-87) at the table of Clothar I (497-561) from the 'Life of St. Radegund' (vellum) (detail of 173477), French School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Renunciation of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, 1850 (oil on canvas) (see also 102306)
The Renunciation of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, 1850 (oil on canvas) (see also 102306)

JAG76107: The Renunciation of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, 1850 (oil on canvas) (see also 102306), Collinson, James (1825-81) / Bridgeman Images

Lat 6067 The Turkish Operations at the Siege of Rhodes, from 'A History of the Siege of Rhodes', by Guillaume Caoursin, 1483 (vellum)
Lat 6067 The Turkish Operations at the Siege of Rhodes, from 'A History of the Siege of Rhodes', by Guillaume Caoursin, 1483 (vellum)

EDI193072: Lat 6067 The Turkish Operations at the Siege of Rhodes, from 'A History of the Siege of Rhodes', by Guillaume Caoursin, 1483 (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

'The Wife' by Geoffrey Chaucer, illustration from 'A Short History of the English People', 1874 (print)
'The Wife' by Geoffrey Chaucer, illustration from 'A Short History of the English People', 1874 (print)

XLA3759746: 'The Wife' by Geoffrey Chaucer, illustration from 'A Short History of the English People', 1874 (print), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63342: St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Alexander Nevsky (1220-63) Duke of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Vladimir (oil on canvas)
Alexander Nevsky (1220-63) Duke of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Vladimir (oil on canvas)

XAB231450: Alexander Nevsky (1220-63) Duke of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Vladimir (oil on canvas), Kulikov, Afanasiy Yefremovich (1884-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 680/1389 f.96 A Cat Catching a Mouse, from the Fables of Bidpai in German Translation, Wurtenburg, c.1480 (vellum)
Ms 680/1389 f.96 A Cat Catching a Mouse, from the Fables of Bidpai in German Translation, Wurtenburg, c.1480 (vellum)

CND60193: Ms 680/1389 f.96 A Cat Catching a Mouse, from the Fables of Bidpai in German Translation, Wurtenburg, c.1480 (vellum), German School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 388/1475 fol.6r A Woman Brushing her Hair with a Man Seated in the Bedroom (vellum)
Ms 388/1475 fol.6r A Woman Brushing her Hair with a Man Seated in the Bedroom (vellum)

CND198450: Ms 388/1475 fol.6r A Woman Brushing her Hair with a Man Seated in the Bedroom (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

King Edward I
King Edward I

XLF3790061: King Edward I, Unknown Artist, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 5073 fol.253v Renaud de Montauban and Charlemagne (742-814), from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum)
Ms 5073 fol.253v Renaud de Montauban and Charlemagne (742-814), from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum)

XIR210269: Ms 5073 fol.253v Renaud de Montauban and Charlemagne (742-814), from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum), Liedet, Loyset (fl.1448-78) / Bridgeman Images

The Norman invasion fleet crosses the channel, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)
The Norman invasion fleet crosses the channel, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)

XIR155377: The Norman invasion fleet crosses the channel, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and William X (1099-1137) Duke of Aquitaine (oil on canvas)
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and William X (1099-1137) Duke of Aquitaine (oil on canvas)

XIR247270: St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and William X (1099-1137) Duke of Aquitaine (oil on canvas), Pepyn or Pepin, Martin (1575-1642) / Bridgeman Images

The month of February, miniatures from 'Livro de Horas de Dom Manuel', 1517-38 (tempera on vellum)
The month of February, miniatures from 'Livro de Horas de Dom Manuel', 1517-38 (tempera on vellum)

XIR352375: The month of February, miniatures from 'Livro de Horas de Dom Manuel', 1517-38 (tempera on vellum), Hollanda, Antonio de (c.1480 - c.1557) ( / Bridgeman Images

The Month of January, c.1400 (fresco) (see also 498706)
The Month of January, c.1400 (fresco) (see also 498706)

FAF75562: The Month of January, c.1400 (fresco) (see also 498706), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

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