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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Detail of Copy of a Catalan Map of Europe and North Africa, presented to Charles V of France in 1381 (vellum)
Detail of Copy of a Catalan Map of Europe and North Africa, presented to Charles V of France in 1381 (vellum)

XCF291064: Detail of Copy of a Catalan Map of Europe and North Africa, presented to Charles V of France in 1381 (vellum), Cresques, Abraham (1325-87) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 782 f.152r Charlemagne (742-814) sending Ganelon to the Saragossan Kings, Marsile and Baligant, from the 'Chroniques de Saint-Denis', c.1275 (vellum)
Ms 782 f.152r Charlemagne (742-814) sending Ganelon to the Saragossan Kings, Marsile and Baligant, from the 'Chroniques de Saint-Denis', c.1275 (vellum)

XIR172264: Ms 782 f.152r Charlemagne (742-814) sending Ganelon to the Saragossan Kings, Marsile and Baligant, from the 'Chroniques de Saint-Denis', c.1275 (vellum), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

God, the Divine Architect. Illumination from Bible moralisée, Codex Vindobonensis 2554, c.1250 (vellum)
God, the Divine Architect. Illumination from Bible moralisée, Codex Vindobonensis 2554, c.1250 (vellum)

XEE5033097: God, the Divine Architect. Illumination from Bible moralisée, Codex Vindobonensis 2554, c.1250 (vellum) / Bridgeman Images

New College, Oxford, from 'Oxonia Illustrata', published 1675 (engraving)
New College, Oxford, from 'Oxonia Illustrata', published 1675 (engraving)

NCO183651: New College, Oxford, from 'Oxonia Illustrata', published 1675 (engraving), Loggan, David (1633/35-92) / Bridgeman Images

Harold crosses the Channel to the territory of Count Guy of Ponthieu, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)
Harold crosses the Channel to the territory of Count Guy of Ponthieu, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)

XIR181085: Harold crosses the Channel to the territory of Count Guy of Ponthieu, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

News concerning Harold being brought to William and a house is burnt by the Normans, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)
News concerning Harold being brought to William and a house is burnt by the Normans, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen)

XIR182015: News concerning Harold being brought to William and a house is burnt by the Normans, Bayeux Tapestry (wool embroidery on linen), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Fr 19093 f.32v Section of the wall and arch of the absidial chapels of Reims Cathedral (facsimile copy) (pen & ink on paper)
Ms Fr 19093 f.32v Section of the wall and arch of the absidial chapels of Reims Cathedral (facsimile copy) (pen & ink on paper)

XIR161030: Ms Fr 19093 f.32v Section of the wall and arch of the absidial chapels of Reims Cathedral (facsimile copy) (pen & ink on paper), Villard de Honnecourt (fl.1190-1235) / Bridgeman Images

View of the walled city of Florence, from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) 1493 (woodcut)
View of the walled city of Florence, from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) 1493 (woodcut)

STC88126: View of the walled city of Florence, from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) 1493 (woodcut), German School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 6712 (A.6.89) fol.144v King John (1167-1216), miniature from 'Flores Historiarum', by Matthew Paris, 1250-52 (vellum)
Ms 6712 (A.6.89) fol.144v King John (1167-1216), miniature from 'Flores Historiarum', by Matthew Paris, 1250-52 (vellum)

CHL206582: Ms 6712 (A.6.89) fol.144v King John (1167-1216), miniature from 'Flores Historiarum', by Matthew Paris, 1250-52 (vellum), English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Maesta: Christ Appearing on the Road to Emmaus, 1308-11
Maesta: Christ Appearing on the Road to Emmaus, 1308-11

XJL62416: Maesta: Christ Appearing on the Road to Emmaus, 1308-11, Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255-1319) / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer, from 'English Poets' by Lord David Cecil, publ.1941 (print)
Geoffrey Chaucer, from 'English Poets' by Lord David Cecil, publ.1941 (print)

XLA3750898: Geoffrey Chaucer, from 'English Poets' by Lord David Cecil, publ.1941 (print), English School / Bridgeman Images

Ms. 0242 f.48v View of a city with labourers paving roads leading up to the city gates with cobbles while the king stands in a chamber dictating to two scribes (vellum)
Ms. 0242 f.48v View of a city with labourers paving roads leading up to the city gates with cobbles while the king stands in a chamber dictating to two scribes (vellum)

XTD69856: Ms. 0242 f.48v View of a city with labourers paving roads leading up to the city gates with cobbles while the king stands in a chamber dictating to two scribes (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 17 f.76 Joan of Arc from 'Vie des Femmes Celebres', c.1505 (vellum)
Ms 17 f.76 Joan of Arc from 'Vie des Femmes Celebres', c.1505 (vellum)

XIR159039: Ms 17 f.76 Joan of Arc from 'Vie des Femmes Celebres', c.1505 (vellum), French School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Tree of Jesse Window, detail depicting Abbot Suger (c.1081-1151) giving a window (stained glass)
The Tree of Jesse Window, detail depicting Abbot Suger (c.1081-1151) giving a window (stained glass)

XIR129023: The Tree of Jesse Window, detail depicting Abbot Suger (c.1081-1151) giving a window (stained glass), French School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of Tristan, 1902 (oil on canvas)
The Death of Tristan, 1902 (oil on canvas)

WH48416: The Death of Tristan, 1902 (oil on canvas), Mileham, Harry (1873-1957) / Bridgeman Images

The doctor's visit to his patient, scene from 'The Maqamat' by Al-Hariri , 1334 (gouache on vellum)
The doctor's visit to his patient, scene from 'The Maqamat' by Al-Hariri , 1334 (gouache on vellum)

CHT176048: The doctor's visit to his patient, scene from 'The Maqamat' by Al-Hariri , 1334 (gouache on vellum), Arabic School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of Roman Gaul from the Peutinger map copy (see also 172432)
Detail of Roman Gaul from the Peutinger map copy (see also 172432)

CHT172433: Detail of Roman Gaul from the Peutinger map copy (see also 172432) / Bridgeman Images

Inferno, Canto 21 : The demons threaten Virgil, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)
Inferno, Canto 21 : The demons threaten Virgil, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)

GIA745711: Inferno, Canto 21 : The demons threaten Virgil, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885 (digitally coloured engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Fr 2629 fol.17 Sultan Omar Initiates the Reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, from the 'Histoire de la conquete de Jerusalem' by William of Tyre (c.1130-85) c.1470 (vellum)
Ms Fr 2629 fol.17 Sultan Omar Initiates the Reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, from the 'Histoire de la conquete de Jerusalem' by William of Tyre (c.1130-85) c.1470 (vellum)

BNP159909: Ms Fr 2629 fol.17 Sultan Omar Initiates the Reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, from the 'Histoire de la conquete de Jerusalem' by William of Tyre (c.1130-85) c.1470 (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Bruce and de Bohun, c.1913-14 (oil on canvas)
Bruce and de Bohun, c.1913-14 (oil on canvas)

STI135459: Bruce and de Bohun, c.1913-14 (oil on canvas), Duncan, John (1866-1945) / Bridgeman Images

Fol.59v November: Gathering Acorns (vellum)
Fol.59v November: Gathering Acorns (vellum)

XIR161098: Fol.59v November: Gathering Acorns (vellum), Matfre Ermengaut (d.1322) / Bridgeman Images

A Married Couple in Bed Receiving a Child from the Holy Trinity (vellum)
A Married Couple in Bed Receiving a Child from the Holy Trinity (vellum)

CHT166643: A Married Couple in Bed Receiving a Child from the Holy Trinity (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Emperor Triumphant, known as the 'Barberini Ivory', 500-550 AD (ivory)
The Emperor Triumphant, known as the 'Barberini Ivory', 500-550 AD (ivory)

XIR159131: The Emperor Triumphant, known as the 'Barberini Ivory', 500-550 AD (ivory), Byzantine School, (6th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Creation of Adam, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)
The Creation of Adam, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)

XKH145269: The Creation of Adam, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images

Astrolabe from Saragossa, c.1079-80 (brass) (see also 330178)
Astrolabe from Saragossa, c.1079-80 (brass) (see also 330178)

GNM283947: Astrolabe from Saragossa, c.1079-80 (brass) (see also 330178), Islamic School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Hunterston Brooch, early 8th century (gold)
The Hunterston Brooch, early 8th century (gold)

MSC130952: The Hunterston Brooch, early 8th century (gold), Celtic / Bridgeman Images

Fol.19r Bloodletting, from 'Traite de Medecine' by Aldebrande de Florence, 1356 (vellum)
Fol.19r Bloodletting, from 'Traite de Medecine' by Aldebrande de Florence, 1356 (vellum)

XIR223820: Fol.19r Bloodletting, from 'Traite de Medecine' by Aldebrande de Florence, 1356 (vellum), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

The marriage of King Charles VIII of France (1470-1498) with Anne of Brittany (1477-1514) on 06/12/1491, 1837 (oil painting)
The marriage of King Charles VIII of France (1470-1498) with Anne of Brittany (1477-1514) on 06/12/1491, 1837 (oil painting)

IBE5378721: The marriage of King Charles VIII of France (1470-1498) with Anne of Brittany (1477-1514) on 06/12/1491, 1837 (oil painting), Saint-Evre, Gillot (1791-1858) / Bridgeman Images

John the Fearless (1371-1419) Duke of Burgundy (oil on panel)
John the Fearless (1371-1419) Duke of Burgundy (oil on panel)

XIR204998: John the Fearless (1371-1419) Duke of Burgundy (oil on panel), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 1044 fol.101 The Strong Woman of the Scriptures Spinning with her Servants, from Ovide Moralise written by Chretien Legouais (vellum)
Ms 1044 fol.101 The Strong Woman of the Scriptures Spinning with her Servants, from Ovide Moralise written by Chretien Legouais (vellum)

XIR192418: Ms 1044 fol.101 The Strong Woman of the Scriptures Spinning with her Servants, from Ovide Moralise written by Chretien Legouais (vellum), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

SS. Peter and Paul Embracing (mosaic)
SS. Peter and Paul Embracing (mosaic)

XIR228263: SS. Peter and Paul Embracing (mosaic), Byzantine School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

MS.279 ff.5v-6 Death takes the Carthusian, the sergeant, the monk and the usurer, from 'La Danse Macabre', 1492 (vellum)
MS.279 ff.5v-6 Death takes the Carthusian, the sergeant, the monk and the usurer, from 'La Danse Macabre', 1492 (vellum)

LAM141729: MS.279 ff.5v-6 Death takes the Carthusian, the sergeant, the monk and the usurer, from 'La Danse Macabre', 1492 (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Seal of King John (1167-1216) 1200
Seal of King John (1167-1216) 1200

XIR208629: Seal of King John (1167-1216) 1200, English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 137/1687 f.45 The Baptism (vellum)
Ms 137/1687 f.45 The Baptism (vellum)

CND54814: Ms 137/1687 f.45 The Baptism (vellum), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Arthurian legend (quest for the Holy Grail ): Gawain tempting to remove the sword under look of king Arthur, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from
Arthurian legend (quest for the Holy Grail ): Gawain tempting to remove the sword under look of king Arthur, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from

PVD1693025: Arthurian legend (quest for the Holy Grail ): Gawain tempting to remove the sword under look of king Arthur, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from "Queste del saint graal" c. 1470 / Bridgeman Images

Richard III, 1520 (oil on panel)
Richard III, 1520 (oil on panel)

ROC409809: Richard III, 1520 (oil on panel), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

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