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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Justinian II being defeated by Bulgarians
Justinian II being defeated by Bulgarians

XLF3783435: Justinian II being defeated by Bulgarians / Bridgeman Images

Dance of Death / Totentanz
Dance of Death / Totentanz

XLF3792416: Dance of Death / Totentanz / Bridgeman Images

King Edward II
King Edward II

XLF3779433: King Edward II / Bridgeman Images

German gentleman - costume from 15th century
German gentleman - costume from 15th century

XLF3780435: German gentleman - costume from 15th century / Bridgeman Images

Caravel  - 15th century
Caravel  - 15th century

XLF3792665: Caravel - 15th century / Bridgeman Images

Tintern Abbey (oil on canvas)
Tintern Abbey (oil on canvas)

NGW185745: Tintern Abbey (oil on canvas), Anthony, Henry Mark (1817-86) / Bridgeman Images

Chartres, Cathedral: North portal central door outer pillar with Old Testament scenes: the Ark of the Covenant (photo)
Chartres, Cathedral: North portal central door outer pillar with Old Testament scenes: the Ark of the Covenant (photo)

PC942125: Chartres, Cathedral: North portal central door outer pillar with Old Testament scenes: the Ark of the Covenant (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Mirror Case with Pairs of Lovers, 1325-50 (ivory)
Mirror Case with Pairs of Lovers, 1325-50 (ivory)

XWM5903250: Mirror Case with Pairs of Lovers, 1325-50 (ivory), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 71 f.2 Virgin and Child, from the 'Hours of Etienne Chevalier', c.1445 (vellum)
Ms 71 f.2 Virgin and Child, from the 'Hours of Etienne Chevalier', c.1445 (vellum)

CND40005: Ms 71 f.2 Virgin and Child, from the 'Hours of Etienne Chevalier', c.1445 (vellum), Fouquet, Jean (c.1420-80) / Bridgeman Images

John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster

XLF3782994: John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3773970: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

Dance of Death / Totentanz
Dance of Death / Totentanz

XLF3792423: Dance of Death / Totentanz / Bridgeman Images

The Decameron 's prologue
The Decameron 's prologue

XLA3750836: The Decameron 's prologue / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3759725: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

Hunting deer in the middle ages
Hunting deer in the middle ages

XLF3793263: Hunting deer in the middle ages / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3759757: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

Galleon - 15th century
Galleon - 15th century

XLF3784117: Galleon - 15th century / Bridgeman Images

Caravel  - 15th century
Caravel  - 15th century

XLF3784123: Caravel - 15th century / Bridgeman Images

Song of Alexander, Pfaffen Lamprecht
Song of Alexander, Pfaffen Lamprecht

XLF3792405: Song of Alexander, Pfaffen Lamprecht / Bridgeman Images

Mercenary soldier and his wife
Mercenary soldier and his wife

XLF3792437: Mercenary soldier and his wife, Hopfer, Daniel (1493-1536) / Bridgeman Images

The Smithsonian Institute, Washington, published by E. Sachse (colour litho)
The Smithsonian Institute, Washington, published by E. Sachse (colour litho)

NYH189000: The Smithsonian Institute, Washington, published by E. Sachse (colour litho), American School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3773955: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

King Rene's Honeymoon, 1864 (oil on canvas)
King Rene's Honeymoon, 1864 (oil on canvas)

NGW184294: King Rene's Honeymoon, 1864 (oil on canvas), Brown, Ford Madox (1821-93) / Bridgeman Images

Knight of the first Crusade (chromolitho)
Knight of the first Crusade (chromolitho)

LLM964148: Knight of the first Crusade (chromolitho), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Hospitality provided by the Knights of St John in Jerusalem (chromolitho)
Hospitality provided by the Knights of St John in Jerusalem (chromolitho)

LLM1094416: Hospitality provided by the Knights of St John in Jerusalem (chromolitho), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Dance of Death / Totentanz
Dance of Death / Totentanz

XLF3792418: Dance of Death / Totentanz / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3759694: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer ' s
Geoffrey Chaucer ' s

XLA3759742: Geoffrey Chaucer ' s / Bridgeman Images

Illuminated letter S
Illuminated letter S

XLA3755387: Illuminated letter S / Bridgeman Images

Tacuinum Sanitatis. Woman cooking.
Tacuinum Sanitatis. Woman cooking.

TRK559000: Tacuinum Sanitatis. Woman cooking. / Bridgeman Images

Pope Gregor VII, 1895 (lithograph)
Pope Gregor VII, 1895 (lithograph)

UTD4927268: Pope Gregor VII, 1895 (lithograph) / Bridgeman Images

The Battle of Agincourt, c.1729 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Agincourt, c.1729 (oil on canvas)

ROC1079583: The Battle of Agincourt, c.1729 (oil on canvas), Kent, William (1684-1748) / Bridgeman Images

A man gives a bouquet to his wife, from Tacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century.
A man gives a bouquet to his wife, from Tacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century.

TRK5058872: A man gives a bouquet to his wife, from Tacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century. / Bridgeman Images

Sir John Oldcastle, engraved by Gerimia, from 'A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors', published 1806 (litho)
Sir John Oldcastle, engraved by Gerimia, from 'A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors', published 1806 (litho)

KWE285500: Sir John Oldcastle, engraved by Gerimia, from 'A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors', published 1806 (litho), English School, (19th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Marco Polo, 1903 (engraving)
Marco Polo, 1903 (engraving)

BAL34666: Marco Polo, 1903 (engraving) / Bridgeman Images

West rose window (photo)
West rose window (photo)

XPC341140: West rose window (photo) / Bridgeman Images

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