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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Stumpwork depicting Tristan and Isolde (textile)
Stumpwork depicting Tristan and Isolde (textile)

XZL151812: Stumpwork depicting Tristan and Isolde (textile), German School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas)
The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas)

SSM122724: The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Donor figures (stained glass)
Donor figures (stained glass)

XPC316076: Donor figures (stained glass), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Cathedral tower (photo)
View of the Cathedral tower (photo)

KW276277: View of the Cathedral tower (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Amiens, cathedral, W façade, north door: Works of the Month: June,  (photo)
Amiens, cathedral, W façade, north door: Works of the Month: June,  (photo)

PC941841: Amiens, cathedral, W façade, north door: Works of the Month: June, (photo) / Bridgeman Images

View of the South Side of the Nave (stained glass)
View of the South Side of the Nave (stained glass)

PC1279186: View of the South Side of the Nave (stained glass), French School / Bridgeman Images

A Jewish Doctor at his Desk (vellum)
A Jewish Doctor at his Desk (vellum)

GIA702664: A Jewish Doctor at his Desk (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Roslyn Chapel, view of a pendant and groins at the east end, engraved by S. Noble, 1810 (engraving)
Roslyn Chapel, view of a pendant and groins at the east end, engraved by S. Noble, 1810 (engraving)

FEH332952: Roslyn Chapel, view of a pendant and groins at the east end, engraved by S. Noble, 1810 (engraving), Gandy, Joseph Michael (1771-1843) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Pope Boniface VIII (1235-1303), Benedetto Caetani, pope from 1294 to 1303, engraving
Pope Boniface VIII (1235-1303), Benedetto Caetani, pope from 1294 to 1303, engraving

PVD1684270: Pope Boniface VIII (1235-1303), Benedetto Caetani, pope from 1294 to 1303, engraving / Bridgeman Images

The Challenge, 1841 (pencil, w/c and bodycolour on paper)
The Challenge, 1841 (pencil, w/c and bodycolour on paper)

AJV341205: The Challenge, 1841 (pencil, w/c and bodycolour on paper), Nixon, James Henry (1802-57) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 251 f.135r Five men, one holding an armillary sphere, from 'Des Proprietez des Choses', c.1415 (vellum)
Ms 251 f.135r Five men, one holding an armillary sphere, from 'Des Proprietez des Choses', c.1415 (vellum)

FIT88375: Ms 251 f.135r Five men, one holding an armillary sphere, from 'Des Proprietez des Choses', c.1415 (vellum) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 35/1455 fol.56v The Temptation of Christ in the Desert, from 'The Life of Jesus' (vellum)
Ms 35/1455 fol.56v The Temptation of Christ in the Desert, from 'The Life of Jesus' (vellum)

CND229983: Ms 35/1455 fol.56v The Temptation of Christ in the Desert, from 'The Life of Jesus' (vellum), German School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 3054 fol.20 Melons, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum)
Ms 3054 fol.20 Melons, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum)

XIR215113: Ms 3054 fol.20 Melons, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Scene from the Life of St. Thomas a Becket, Trinity Chapel Windows, c.1220 (stained glass)
Scene from the Life of St. Thomas a Becket, Trinity Chapel Windows, c.1220 (stained glass)

BAL51393: Scene from the Life of St. Thomas a Becket, Trinity Chapel Windows, c.1220 (stained glass), English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Armet, c.1530-40 (steel)
Armet, c.1530-40 (steel)

TWC5196973: Armet, c.1530-40 (steel), German School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Manuscript depicting a battle from the Hundred Years War, 14th century (vellum)
Manuscript depicting a battle from the Hundred Years War, 14th century (vellum)

EDI114029: Manuscript depicting a battle from the Hundred Years War, 14th century (vellum), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Emperor Maximilian I
Emperor Maximilian I

XLF3792643: Emperor Maximilian I, Burgkmair, Hans (c.1473-1531) / Bridgeman Images

Castle tower and Emperor William's Monument, Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany, c.1900 (colour litho)
Castle tower and Emperor William's Monument, Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany, c.1900 (colour litho)

GBW697941: Castle tower and Emperor William's Monument, Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany, c.1900 (colour litho) , German School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Altarpiece of the Transfiguration, God giving Moses the Tablets of the Law
Altarpiece of the Transfiguration, God giving Moses the Tablets of the Law

TRK2597947: Altarpiece of the Transfiguration, God giving Moses the Tablets of the Law, Huguet, Jaume (1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Lady - German costume of the 15th century
Lady - German costume of the 15th century

XLF3780392: Lady - German costume of the 15th century / Bridgeman Images

The Nave of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, photographed by William Lawrence (fl.1870-80) (sepia photo)
The Nave of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, photographed by William Lawrence (fl.1870-80) (sepia photo)

TPG105947: The Nave of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, photographed by William Lawrence (fl.1870-80) (sepia photo) / Bridgeman Images

Fragment of an Ornamental Crest from a Reliquary Shrine, c.1165-1180 (gilded copper, émail brun (brown enamel))
Fragment of an Ornamental Crest from a Reliquary Shrine, c.1165-1180 (gilded copper, émail brun (brown enamel))

XCL500132: Fragment of an Ornamental Crest from a Reliquary Shrine, c.1165-1180 (gilded copper, émail brun (brown enamel)) , Mosan School / Bridgeman Images

The Entombment, detail of a female saint praying, 1490 (painted stone)
The Entombment, detail of a female saint praying, 1490 (painted stone)

NUM245251: The Entombment, detail of a female saint praying, 1490 (painted stone), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms.Fr. 18437 fol. 2 The Court of the Peers presided over by Philippe VI (1293-1350) from 'Proces de Robert III d'Artois (1287-1342) comte de Beaumont', 1336 (vellum) (b/w photo) (see also 85900)
Ms.Fr. 18437 fol. 2 The Court of the Peers presided over by Philippe VI (1293-1350) from 'Proces de Robert III d'Artois (1287-1342) comte de Beaumont', 1336 (vellum) (b/w photo) (see also 85900)

XIR200387: Ms.Fr. 18437 fol. 2 The Court of the Peers presided over by Philippe VI (1293-1350) from 'Proces de Robert III d'Artois (1287-1342) comte de Beaumont', 1336 (vellum) (b/w photo) (see also 85900), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Host Box, from Limoges, c.1300 (copper, gilt and enamel)
Host Box, from Limoges, c.1300 (copper, gilt and enamel)

GNM282673: Host Box, from Limoges, c.1300 (copper, gilt and enamel), French School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Interior (fresco)
Interior (fresco)

XIR386028: Interior (fresco), French School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Bâton à feu
Bâton à feu

XLF3782253: Bâton à feu / Bridgeman Images

Ms Hunter 229 f.13v The Incredulity of St. Thomas and Christ Walking on Water, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)
Ms Hunter 229 f.13v The Incredulity of St. Thomas and Christ Walking on Water, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)

GUL175494: Ms Hunter 229 f.13v The Incredulity of St. Thomas and Christ Walking on Water, from the Hunterian Psalter, c.1170 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum), English School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 1-2005, ff.182v-183r: David praying, historiated initial from the Macclesfield Psalter, Use of Sarum, East Anglia, c.1330 (vellum)
Ms 1-2005, ff.182v-183r: David praying, historiated initial from the Macclesfield Psalter, Use of Sarum, East Anglia, c.1330 (vellum)

FIT276999: Ms 1-2005, ff.182v-183r: David praying, historiated initial from the Macclesfield Psalter, Use of Sarum, East Anglia, c.1330 (vellum), English School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Gargoyle from the balustrade of the Grande Galerie of the west facade, replica of a 12th century original (stone) (b/w photo)
Gargoyle from the balustrade of the Grande Galerie of the west facade, replica of a 12th century original (stone) (b/w photo)

FAF213263: Gargoyle from the balustrade of the Grande Galerie of the west facade, replica of a 12th century original (stone) (b/w photo), Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel (1814-79) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifixion, c.1270 (fresco)
Crucifixion, c.1270 (fresco)

XIR439294: Crucifixion, c.1270 (fresco), Cimabue (Cenni di Pepo) (c.1240-c.1301) / Bridgeman Images

Pope Honorius III (1148-1227) approving the Order of St. Dominic in 1216 (oil on canvas) (detail of 230947)
Pope Honorius III (1148-1227) approving the Order of St. Dominic in 1216 (oil on canvas) (detail of 230947)

CPH231421: Pope Honorius III (1148-1227) approving the Order of St. Dominic in 1216 (oil on canvas) (detail of 230947), Bassano, Leandro da Ponte (1557-1622) / Bridgeman Images

Third Crusade: Richard I of England, known as the Lionheart (1157-1199) assaulting Saint Jean d'Acre (1191) (illustration)
Third Crusade: Richard I of England, known as the Lionheart (1157-1199) assaulting Saint Jean d'Acre (1191) (illustration)

GIU6359585: Third Crusade: Richard I of England, known as the Lionheart (1157-1199) assaulting Saint Jean d'Acre (1191) (illustration), Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images

Louis XI (1423-83) and his doctor, 1857 (oil on canvas)
Louis XI (1423-83) and his doctor, 1857 (oil on canvas)

PCT164336: Louis XI (1423-83) and his doctor, 1857 (oil on canvas), Lagier, Eugene (1817-92) / Bridgeman Images

Blessed Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179), Christian mystic, German Benedictine abbess, visionary, and polymath
Blessed Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179), Christian mystic, German Benedictine abbess, visionary, and polymath

QGA936370: Blessed Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179), Christian mystic, German Benedictine abbess, visionary, and polymath / Bridgeman Images

Nibelungenlied manuscript
Nibelungenlied manuscript

XLF3792346: Nibelungenlied manuscript / Bridgeman Images

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