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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Richard III king of England (engraving)
Richard III king of England (engraving)

XLF3784559: Richard III king of England (engraving) / Bridgeman Images

Representation of Earth and Space by Camille Flammarion, 1888
Representation of Earth and Space by Camille Flammarion, 1888

SZT3022268: Representation of Earth and Space by Camille Flammarion, 1888, French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, defending his allegiance to Richard III before Henry VII after the Battle of Bosworth, 1797 (oil on canvas)
Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, defending his allegiance to Richard III before Henry VII after the Battle of Bosworth, 1797 (oil on canvas)

DON279075: Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, defending his allegiance to Richard III before Henry VII after the Battle of Bosworth, 1797 (oil on canvas), Brown, Mather (1761-1831) / Bridgeman Images

The marriage of Clovis (481-511) King of the Francs with Clothilde in 493. Chromolithography of the late 19th century.
The marriage of Clovis (481-511) King of the Francs with Clothilde in 493. Chromolithography of the late 19th century.

XEE4407155: The marriage of Clovis (481-511) King of the Francs with Clothilde in 493. Chromolithography of the late 19th century., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Henry VII crowned at Bosworth, illustration from 'The History of the Nation' (litho)
Henry VII crowned at Bosworth, illustration from 'The History of the Nation' (litho)

STC306688: Henry VII crowned at Bosworth, illustration from 'The History of the Nation' (litho), Woodville, Richard Caton II (1856-1927) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Torquetum, 1568 (guilded brass)
Torquetum, 1568 (guilded brass)

GNM330215: Torquetum, 1568 (guilded brass), Praetorius or Richter, Johannes (1537-1616) / Bridgeman Images

Tacuinum Sanitatis. Late XIV century. Picking truffles.
Tacuinum Sanitatis. Late XIV century. Picking truffles.

TRK559533: Tacuinum Sanitatis. Late XIV century. Picking truffles. / Bridgeman Images

The School of Astrology
The School of Astrology

XLF3792616: The School of Astrology / Bridgeman Images

Fatimid lustre bowl with mounted falconer (ceramic)
Fatimid lustre bowl with mounted falconer (ceramic)

VIS5891909: Fatimid lustre bowl with mounted falconer (ceramic), Egyptian School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

King Edward III -
King Edward III -

XLA3773992: King Edward III - / Bridgeman Images

Couple Kissing, illustration from the 'Roxburghe Ballads' (woodcut)
Couple Kissing, illustration from the 'Roxburghe Ballads' (woodcut)

XJF365316: Couple Kissing, illustration from the 'Roxburghe Ballads' (woodcut), English School, (17th century) / Bridgeman Images

Averroes (1126-1198). Andalusian Muslim polymath. Portrait
Averroes (1126-1198). Andalusian Muslim polymath. Portrait

TRK2007136: Averroes (1126-1198). Andalusian Muslim polymath. Portrait / Bridgeman Images

The Great Umayyad Mosque, The Hall of Prayers, 709-715 (photo)
The Great Umayyad Mosque, The Hall of Prayers, 709-715 (photo)

IBE5344827: The Great Umayyad Mosque, The Hall of Prayers, 709-715 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Battle of Agincourt
Battle of Agincourt

LAL453392: Battle of Agincourt, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of the Virgin Mary, c.1462 (Tempera on panel)
The Death of the Virgin Mary, c.1462 (Tempera on panel)

FIA5398020: The Death of the Virgin Mary, c.1462 (Tempera on panel), Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) / Bridgeman Images

'God for Harry, England and St. George!', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
'God for Harry, England and St. George!', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274567: 'God for Harry, England and St. George!', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Armour of the 16th Century (coloured engraving)
Armour of the 16th Century (coloured engraving)

LLM972910: Armour of the 16th Century (coloured engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Merlin 1920 (engraving)
Merlin 1920 (engraving)

LLE5232992: Merlin 1920 (engraving), Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-98) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Fr. Fol VI #1 Paeonia or Peony, and Orchis myanthos, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum)
Ms Fr. Fol VI #1 Paeonia or Peony, and Orchis myanthos, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum)

XJL198779: Ms Fr. Fol VI #1 Paeonia or Peony, and Orchis myanthos, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum), Testard, Robinet (fl.1470-1523) / Bridgeman Images

Decorative roundel (gold sheet & wire)
Decorative roundel (gold sheet & wire)

CIN403043: Decorative roundel (gold sheet & wire), Persian School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 1058-1975 f5r Young Man and Musicians Serenade a Lady, illuminated calendar page for May, from a Flemish Book of Hours, c.1500 (vellum) (see detail 65990)
Ms 1058-1975 f5r Young Man and Musicians Serenade a Lady, illuminated calendar page for May, from a Flemish Book of Hours, c.1500 (vellum) (see detail 65990)

FIT133909: Ms 1058-1975 f5r Young Man and Musicians Serenade a Lady, illuminated calendar page for May, from a Flemish Book of Hours, c.1500 (vellum) (see detail 65990) / Bridgeman Images

Sultan Bajesid I - portrait
Sultan Bajesid I - portrait

XLF3779132: Sultan Bajesid I - portrait / Bridgeman Images

The Tower of Babel - Bible
The Tower of Babel - Bible

XLF3782845: The Tower of Babel - Bible / Bridgeman Images

Richard I of England
Richard I of England

XLF3783273: Richard I of England / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.37 King Solomon's subjects bringing tribute, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans', 1490 (vellum)
Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.37 King Solomon's subjects bringing tribute, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans', 1490 (vellum)

XJL197063: Ms Lat. Q.v.I.126 f.37 King Solomon's subjects bringing tribute, from the 'Book of Hours of Louis d'Orleans', 1490 (vellum), Colombe, Jean (c.1430-c.93) / Bridgeman Images

Nova 2644 Fol.53r Tasting Boiled Wheat, from the Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum)
Nova 2644 Fol.53r Tasting Boiled Wheat, from the Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum)

FAF155964: Nova 2644 Fol.53r Tasting Boiled Wheat, from the Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Flamboyant south Door
The Flamboyant south Door

PC1278555: The Flamboyant south Door / Bridgeman Images

Bayeux cathedral: Norman arches in the nave (photo)
Bayeux cathedral: Norman arches in the nave (photo)

PC942001: Bayeux cathedral: Norman arches in the nave (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bayeux cathedral: Gothic Rayonnant triforium (photo)
Bayeux cathedral: Gothic Rayonnant triforium (photo)

PC942002: Bayeux cathedral: Gothic Rayonnant triforium (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bayeux cathedral: View of the nave (photo)
Bayeux cathedral: View of the nave (photo)

PC942003: Bayeux cathedral: View of the nave (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bayeux cathedral: Norman decoration in the nave: zig-zag (photo)
Bayeux cathedral: Norman decoration in the nave: zig-zag (photo)

PC942004: Bayeux cathedral: Norman decoration in the nave: zig-zag (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Cahors cathedral: View from the south west,  (photo)
Cahors cathedral: View from the south west,  (photo)

PC942033: Cahors cathedral: View from the south west, (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Perceval and Sir Owen in King Arthur's Knights by Henry Gilbert, c.1911  (illustration)
Perceval and Sir Owen in King Arthur's Knights by Henry Gilbert, c.1911  (illustration)

XLA3750988: Perceval and Sir Owen in King Arthur's Knights by Henry Gilbert, c.1911 (illustration), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Laurent of Medicis or Laurent the Magnificent  (Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1449-1492) receiving the ambassadors
Laurent of Medicis or Laurent the Magnificent  (Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1449-1492) receiving the ambassadors

BAT5472160: Laurent of Medicis or Laurent the Magnificent (Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1449-1492) receiving the ambassadors, Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images

Marlay Cutting IT.10: Leaf with miniature from Gratian's Decretum showing the archbishop enthroned between clerics and seculars (vellum)
Marlay Cutting IT.10: Leaf with miniature from Gratian's Decretum showing the archbishop enthroned between clerics and seculars (vellum)

FIT276179: Marlay Cutting IT.10: Leaf with miniature from Gratian's Decretum showing the archbishop enthroned between clerics and seculars (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Saxon Crucifix, Anglo-Saxon, c.1000 (ivory and gold)
Saxon Crucifix, Anglo-Saxon, c.1000 (ivory and gold)

XCF291072: Saxon Crucifix, Anglo-Saxon, c.1000 (ivory and gold), English School, (11th century) / Bridgeman Images

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