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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Cardinal - Italian male costume of 15th century
Cardinal - Italian male costume of 15th century

XLF3780379: Cardinal - Italian male costume of 15th century / Bridgeman Images

The Story of Perseus, 15th-16th century (tapestry)
The Story of Perseus, 15th-16th century (tapestry)

XIR205424: The Story of Perseus, 15th-16th century (tapestry), French School / Bridgeman Images

Reconquista: the surrender of the city of Granada on 02/01/1492, 19th century (painting)
Reconquista: the surrender of the city of Granada on 02/01/1492, 19th century (painting)

IBE5370642: Reconquista: the surrender of the city of Granada on 02/01/1492, 19th century (painting), Rodriguez de Losada, Jose Maria (1826-96) / Bridgeman Images

Fountains Abbey (w/c & ink on paper) (for pair see 264334)
Fountains Abbey (w/c & ink on paper) (for pair see 264334)

AGN264335: Fountains Abbey (w/c & ink on paper) (for pair see 264334), Griffith, Moses (1747-1819) / Bridgeman Images

Ms. New Coll 288, f3v. (Chaundler manuscript), 'Life of William of Wykeham' by Thomas Chaundler (pen and ink & tempera on vellum)
Ms. New Coll 288, f3v. (Chaundler manuscript), 'Life of William of Wykeham' by Thomas Chaundler (pen and ink & tempera on vellum)

NCO833780: Ms. New Coll 288, f3v. (Chaundler manuscript), 'Life of William of Wykeham' by Thomas Chaundler (pen and ink & tempera on vellum), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Chartres cathedral, South portal, central door, jamb figures, c.1145-50 (b/w photo)
Chartres cathedral, South portal, central door, jamb figures, c.1145-50 (b/w photo)

XIR345871: Chartres cathedral, South portal, central door, jamb figures, c.1145-50 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth
King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth

XLF3788422: King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth, Norris, Herbert (d.1950) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of Saint Jerome Translating the Gospel of John, c.1400-05 (tempera, silver & tooled gold on panel)
Detail of Saint Jerome Translating the Gospel of John, c.1400-05 (tempera, silver & tooled gold on panel)

PHL1109298: Detail of Saint Jerome Translating the Gospel of John, c.1400-05 (tempera, silver & tooled gold on panel), Bindo, Benedetto di (fl.1411-17) / Bridgeman Images

13th century room, Musee de Sculpture comparee, future Musee des Monuments Francais, c.1905 (b/w photo)
13th century room, Musee de Sculpture comparee, future Musee des Monuments Francais, c.1905 (b/w photo)

XIR345875: 13th century room, Musee de Sculpture comparee, future Musee des Monuments Francais, c.1905 (b/w photo), Giraudon, studio (1912-53) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Fitz-Ailwin, first Lord Mayor of London
Henry Fitz-Ailwin, first Lord Mayor of London

XLF3785087: Henry Fitz-Ailwin, first Lord Mayor of London / Bridgeman Images

William II of England
William II of England

XLF3783853: William II of England / Bridgeman Images

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

XLA3766389: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Balfour, Ronald (1896-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Fr. Fv VI #1 fol.113v Greater Celandine or Poppy, Solanum or Nightshade, and Aron, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum)
Ms Fr. Fv VI #1 fol.113v Greater Celandine or Poppy, Solanum or Nightshade, and Aron, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum)

XJL198772: Ms Fr. Fv VI #1 fol.113v Greater Celandine or Poppy, Solanum or Nightshade, and Aron, illustration from 'The Book of Simple Medicines' by Mattheaus Platearius (d.c.1161) c.1470 (vellum), Testard, Robinet (fl.1470-1523) / Bridgeman Images

The Penance of Jane Shore (oil on canvas)
The Penance of Jane Shore (oil on canvas)

DRB128804: The Penance of Jane Shore (oil on canvas), Lauder, Robert Scott (1803-69) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation with St. Cosmas and St. Damian, 1409 (gold leaf & tempera on panel)
The Annunciation with St. Cosmas and St. Damian, 1409 (gold leaf & tempera on panel)

XIR223853: The Annunciation with St. Cosmas and St. Damian, 1409 (gold leaf & tempera on panel), Taddeo di Bartolo (c.1362-1422) / Bridgeman Images

Traditional Jewish Meal, Passover (vellum)
Traditional Jewish Meal, Passover (vellum)

GIA702686: Traditional Jewish Meal, Passover (vellum), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

King Henry II
King Henry II

XLF3779101: King Henry II / Bridgeman Images

Lewis Chesspiece - Queen (walrus ivory)
Lewis Chesspiece - Queen (walrus ivory)

MSC2973778: Lewis Chesspiece - Queen (walrus ivory), Scandinavian school (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms.Fr 343 f.31v Sir Percival is tempted by a damsel who gives him a feast before seducing him, from the Queste del Saint Graal, c.1380-85 (vellum)
Ms.Fr 343 f.31v Sir Percival is tempted by a damsel who gives him a feast before seducing him, from the Queste del Saint Graal, c.1380-85 (vellum)

COB62886: Ms.Fr 343 f.31v Sir Percival is tempted by a damsel who gives him a feast before seducing him, from the Queste del Saint Graal, c.1380-85 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Money Changer, illustration from 'Libro di Givocho di Scacchi' by Jacobus de Cessolis, 1493 (woodcut) (b/w photo)
Money Changer, illustration from 'Libro di Givocho di Scacchi' by Jacobus de Cessolis, 1493 (woodcut) (b/w photo)

XJF366942: Money Changer, illustration from 'Libro di Givocho di Scacchi' by Jacobus de Cessolis, 1493 (woodcut) (b/w photo), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 592 f.127 Jerusalem and Babylon, from 'La Cite de Dieu' by St. Augustine (vellum)
Ms Lat 592 f.127 Jerusalem and Babylon, from 'La Cite de Dieu' by St. Augustine (vellum)

BMR166657: Ms Lat 592 f.127 Jerusalem and Babylon, from 'La Cite de Dieu' by St. Augustine (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Fr 22531 Fol.115 The Urine Examination and the Healing of Wounds, from 'Le Livre des Proprietes des Choses' by Barthelemy l'Anglais, c.1410-15 (vellum)
Ms Fr 22531 Fol.115 The Urine Examination and the Healing of Wounds, from 'Le Livre des Proprietes des Choses' by Barthelemy l'Anglais, c.1410-15 (vellum)

CHT176047: Ms Fr 22531 Fol.115 The Urine Examination and the Healing of Wounds, from 'Le Livre des Proprietes des Choses' by Barthelemy l'Anglais, c.1410-15 (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Month of July, detail of reaping, c.1400 (fresco)
The Month of July, detail of reaping, c.1400 (fresco)

XIR239963: The Month of July, detail of reaping, c.1400 (fresco), Bohemian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Triumph of Minerva: March, from the Room of the Months, detail of the weavers, c.1467-70 (fresco)
The Triumph of Minerva: March, from the Room of the Months, detail of the weavers, c.1467-70 (fresco)

XAL266282: The Triumph of Minerva: March, from the Room of the Months, detail of the weavers, c.1467-70 (fresco), Cossa, Francesco del (1435/6-c.1477) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 365 fol.350 Historiated initial 'S' depicting Pope Gregory IX (1220-50) with bishops and abbots, from the Decretals of Gregory IX (vellum)
Ms 365 fol.350 Historiated initial 'S' depicting Pope Gregory IX (1220-50) with bishops and abbots, from the Decretals of Gregory IX (vellum)

XIR195588: Ms 365 fol.350 Historiated initial 'S' depicting Pope Gregory IX (1220-50) with bishops and abbots, from the Decretals of Gregory IX (vellum), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Purgatory (La Divina Commedia) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Purgatory (La Divina Commedia) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)

XLA3767382: Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Purgatory (La Divina Commedia) by Dante, 19th century (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

Village festival
Village festival

XLF3792443: Village festival, Hopfer, Daniel (1493-1536) / Bridgeman Images

William of Ockham, from the 'Summa Logicae', 1341 (litho)
William of Ockham, from the 'Summa Logicae', 1341 (litho)

GIA1152374: William of Ockham, from the 'Summa Logicae', 1341 (litho), English School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Henry VI of England
Henry VI of England

XLF3783007: Henry VI of England / Bridgeman Images

Historiated initial 'S' depicting an acrobat and fantastical animals, from the Bible of Saint-Andre aux-Bois (vellum)
Historiated initial 'S' depicting an acrobat and fantastical animals, from the Bible of Saint-Andre aux-Bois (vellum)

XIR182619: Historiated initial 'S' depicting an acrobat and fantastical animals, from the Bible of Saint-Andre aux-Bois (vellum), French School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Nove 2644 fol.42v Harvesting Wheat, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum)
Nove 2644 fol.42v Harvesting Wheat, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum)

FAF191357: Nove 2644 fol.42v Harvesting Wheat, from 'Tacuinum Sanitatis' (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Christine de Pisan, 1873 (litho)
Christine de Pisan, 1873 (litho)

KWE417982: Christine de Pisan, 1873 (litho), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Gallic leader (with winged helmet) cheered by his warriors with their sword, 19th century engraving by Boulenaz after drawing by H. Grobet. On l of the throne: a druid
Gallic leader (with winged helmet) cheered by his warriors with their sword, 19th century engraving by Boulenaz after drawing by H. Grobet. On l of the throne: a druid

PVD1693399: Gallic leader (with winged helmet) cheered by his warriors with their sword, 19th century engraving by Boulenaz after drawing by H. Grobet. On l of the throne: a druid / Bridgeman Images

Courtiers intent on a snowball fight, month of January (fresco)
Courtiers intent on a snowball fight, month of January (fresco)

XOT361863: Courtiers intent on a snowball fight, month of January (fresco), Venceslao, Maestro (fl.1390-1400) (attr. to) / Bridgeman Images

Serfs threshing corn
Serfs threshing corn

XLF3789017: Serfs threshing corn / Bridgeman Images

Serf slaughtering pigs
Serf slaughtering pigs

XLF3789020: Serf slaughtering pigs / Bridgeman Images

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