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XEE4144334: Portrait of Charlotte de Savoie (1441-1483) Queen of France, with Louis XI of France, known as the Prudent (1423-1483). Engraving from 1859 in “” Le Monde. History of all peoples from the most remote times to the present day”. by M. E. de Lostalot-Bachoue. Private collection., Anonymous / Bridgeman Images
FLO4974717: Marie Antoinette, Queen to Louis XVI, 1788. Handcoloured steel engraving by Polidor Pauquet after Vigier Lebrun (1755-1842, portrait painter to the queen) from the Pauquet Brothers' “” Modes et Costumes Historique” (Historical Fashions and Costumes), Paris, 1865. Hippolyte (b. 1797) and Polydor Pauquet (b. 1799) ran a successful publishing house in Paris in the 19th century, specializing in illustrated books on costume, birds, butterflies, anatomy and natural history. / Bridgeman Images