Uncle Sam as a Sack of Dollars with Poincare (w/c, pen & indian ink on paper), Arnold, Karl (1883-1953) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FFA273015
Uncle Sam as a Sack of Dollars with Poincare (w/c, pen & indian ink on paper)
Arnold, Karl (1883-1953)
Blue Man Running (photogram), Easterling, Angela / Bridgeman Images
ID: AEA403699
Blue Man Running (photogram)
Easterling, Angela
Fairy with feather (photogram), Easterling, Angela / Bridgeman Images
ID: AEA417499
Fairy with feather (photogram)
Easterling, Angela
Solo, from the series Over Hula, 2016 (photograph), Gur-Arie, Alice / Bridgeman Images
ID: ADK6088000
Solo, from the series Over Hula, 2016 (photograph)
Gur-Arie, Alice
Storm in a Teacup, 1987 (digitally colourised photo), Hag (b.1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IJH318656
Storm in a Teacup, 1987 (digitally colourised photo)
Hag (b.1949)
Harlech Beach, 1869 (oil on canvas), Moore, Henry (1831-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MAA2956870
Harlech Beach, 1869 (oil on canvas)
Moore, Henry (1831-95)
Soviet Postcard depicting Vladimir Lenin Speaking to Troops in 1920, Lev Trotsky and Lev Kamenev watching at his side, 1920-1929, Russian Photographer (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: RPP2647933
Soviet Postcard depicting Vladimir Lenin Speaking to Troops in 1920, Lev Trotsky and Lev Kamenev watching at his side, 1920-1929