Heron, Patrick (1920-99)

Creator details

Heron, Patrick (1920-99)

Assets (86 in total)

Patrick Heron, 1963 (b/w photo)
St Ives Window with Sand Bar: 1952
Icy Emerald Cutting into Dark Green and Blue, 1968 (watercolor on paper)
Nude in a Wicker Chair: 1951
Still Life, c.1948-49 (oil on canvas)
January 19: 1989
Emerald with Reds and Ceruleum: February - April 1977
Square red with scarlet, emerald and orange: 1969
Patrick Heron in his St. Ives studio, Cornwall, 1954 (b/w photo)
Three Squares (Ceruleum, Naples, Ochre): January 1960
The Round Table: 1950
St Ives Harbour: February 1948

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