Entrance to the Port of Le Havre and the West Breakwaters, Luminous Grey Weather; Entree du port du Havre et le briselames ouest, temps gris lumineux, 1903 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images
Orchard at Saint-Ouen-l'Aumone in Winter; Verger a Saint-Ouen-l'Aumone en hiver, 1877 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images
The outer harbour of Le Havre, Quai de Southampton, the Honfleur boat leaving the harbour, 1903 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images