Stewart, Allan (1865-1951)

Creator details

Stewart, Allan (1865-1951)

Assets (253 in total)

William Penn (1644-1718) receiving the Charter of Pennsylvania from King Charles II of England
The Battle of Marathon, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)
Alaric the Goth Entering Athens in 395, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (colour litho)
Trial by the Ordeal of Boiling Water, illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1920 (litho)
The Emperor Harsha pays homage to Buddha in 645 AD, illustration from 'Hutchinsons History of the Nations', c.1910 (litho)
Midas of Phrygia arranging an alliance with Urartu (litho)
The Ladies' Bower (Saxon House), illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1920 (litho)
The Battle of Telamon, 255 BC (litho)
Hannibal's ruse to pass Fabius (litho)
Zingiddu's sacrifice after the flood, illustration from 'Hutchinsons History of the Nations', c.1910 (litho)
Defeat of the Russians by Admiral Theophanes, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)
Leonidas and the Three Hundred at Thermopylae, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)

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