Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) Assets (52 in total)
Frontispiece for Old English Mansions, Third Series, by C J Richardson (colour litho), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images
Entrance hall, East Sutton Place, Kent, the seat of Sir Edmund Filmer (colour litho), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images
The garden bridge at Kirby in Northamptonshire, the ancient seat of Lord Chancellor Hatton (colour litho), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images
The steel chair at Longford Castle, Wilts, presented by the city of Augsburg, to Rudolphis the 2nd, Emperor of Germany about the year 1577 (colour litho), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images
A portion of the gallery ceiling, Charlton House, Wilts, the ceiling is 17 ft in width and about 115 feet in length (colour litho), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images
The Breakfast Room in Sir John Soane's Museum at 13 Lincoln's Inns Fields, Looking South into the Hall and Staircase, (pencil and watercolour), Richardson, Charles James (1806-71) / Bridgeman Images