Gattegno-Bernager, Jacqueline (b.1924)

Creator details

Gattegno-Bernager, Jacqueline (b.1924)

Assets (39 in total)

Artists Tristan Tzara, Pablo Picasso, his companion Francoise Gilot and Paul Eluard in Vallauris (France) c. 1950
Marcel Marceau at a Gala in Paris, 1960s (b/w photo)
Pablo Picasso with his daughter Paloma in Golfe Juan (France) c. 1950 (b/w photo)
Paloma Picasso, in 1950 (b/w photo)
Claude Picasso in 1950 (b/w photo)
chef Raymond Oliver signing his book
French poet Jacques Prevert (1900-1977) c. 1950
Baroness Noemie de Rothschild (1888-1968) during a meal of Passover 1955-56 (b/w photo)
Pablo Picasso, Francois Gilot, Paloma and Claude in 1950 (b/w photo)
Paloma Picasso, in 1950 (b/w photo)
Paloma Picasso, in 1950 (b/w photo)
Francoise Gilot (companion of Pablo Picasso) and her children Paloma and Claude Picasso in Golfe Juan (France) in 1950 (b/w photo)

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