Napoli, Italia, 1956, Il corridore Piero taruffi tra i fans dopo una corsa sul circuito di Posillipo (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Roma, Italia, 1967, L'Opera Beat (Then an Alley) di scena al Piper con Penny Brown, Tito Schipa jr (nella foto), Simon Catlin (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, 1965, Fedeli awaiting the mass held by Padre Pio da Pietralcina (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Roma, Italia, 1957, L'onorevole Giuseppe Pella alla Camera dei Deputati circondato da giornalisti (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1956, The writer Elsa Morate with her cats on the terrace of the Roman house (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1969, The actress Valeria Ciangottini with the spinoni dogs of the breeding Jovinelli (photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1962, Donna Carla Bissatini, wife of the President of the Republic Giovanni Gronchi, in her home in Via Carlo Fea 7, with her daughter Cecilia (photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1962, Donna Carla Bissatini, wife of the President of the Republic Giovanni Gronchi, in her home in Via Carlo Fea 7, with her sons Mario and Cecilia (photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1962, President of the Republic Giovanni Gronchi, at his home in Via Carlo Fea 7, with his wife Donna Carla Bissatini and his sons Mario and Cecilia (photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Funeral for the dead due to poisoning by horned starch, Pont de Saint Esprit, France, 1951 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images