Illustration for The Merchant of Venice, Shylock and Tubal meet in the street, Act III, Scene I, from 'The Illustrated Library Shakespeare', published London 1890 (litho), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images
The Return of the Victors, 1872 (w/c & gouache, heightened with gum arabic, over pencil on paper), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images
King Richard II resigning the crown to his cousin Bolingbroke, illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1920 (litho), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Margaret of Anjou taken prisoner after Tewkesbury, from Cassells History of the British People published by the Waverley Book Company Limited, c.1940 (colour litho), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images
Presentation of the Freedom of the City to General Garibaldi (1807-82) April 20th 1864 (oil on canvas), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration for The Merry Wives of Windsor, from 'The Illustrated Library Shakespeare', published London 1890 (litho), Gilbert, John (1817-97) / Bridgeman Images