The Delightful Hour, illustration for a brochure about the thermal spa at Vittel, late 19th century (colour litho), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
Marthe Chenal at the wheel of her motor car, illustration from 'Femina' Magazine, August, 1919 (colour litho), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
Tea Party in a garden on the French Riviera, illustration from 'La Vie Heureuse', March 1913 (colour litho), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
'Banque Privee: Souscrivez a l'Emprunt de la Reconstitution', poster advertising the National Loan (colour litho), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
Credit National - Souscrivez pour la reconstitution des régions dévastées, c.1920 (colour litho), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
Scene of the play "Le Malade Imaginaire" by Jean Baptiste Poquelin dit MOLIERE (1622-1673), late 19th - early 20th century (painting), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
Garden games: preparation of a game of hake mesh, beginning of the century. Illustration by Rene Lelong (1871-1933), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images
The presentation. Parisian house at the beginning of the 20th century. Illustration by Rene Lelong (1871-1933), Lelong, Rene (1871-1933) / Bridgeman Images