Bateman, H M (1887-1970)

Creator details

Bateman, H M (1887-1970)

Assets (108 in total)

During the Hot Weather..., 1913 (pen & ink & w/c on paper)
Advertisement for Simpson's in the Strand, the famous old English eating house (colour litho)
Philip Connard
The Car That Touched a Policeman, c.1930, (ink and w/c on paper)
A Speech About The Government, 1916 (ink and w/c)
'The Man Who Thought War Would Be A Glorious Adventure'
Deeds that Ought to Win the VC, The Sub Lieutenant Takes the Admiral's Queen (litho)
After You, The Potentials Being Medically Examined (litho)
Brother Brushes (litho)
Love at First Sight, its Disturbing Influence (litho)
Lippo Lippi (litho)
Durer (litho)

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