Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47)

Creator details

Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47)

Assets (57 in total)

Zeus striking the rebelling Giants (the Fall of Giants) in The Hall of Jupiter, 1530-33 (fresco)
Tarquinius the Proud founding the Temple of Jupiter on Capitol Hill, c.1525 (fresco)
Roman Charity (oil on canvas) (detail of 375385)
The Holy Family (oil on panel)
Facade with statues and reliefs, project for the Palazzo Doria in Genoa (pen & ink and wash on paper)
Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist, 1528-37 (oil on panel)
River god surrounded by putti; and Triumph of Marcus Furius Camillus (pen & ink and wash on paper)
The Judgement of Zaleucus, c.1525 (fresco)
Dialectic (pen & brown ink with wash on carta azzurra)
The Nativity, 1534 (oil on panel)
Passion of Christ: The Flogging (oil on wood, 1434)
A Nude Seen from Behind, Looking to the Left, and Other Studies of his Left Shoulder and Right Leg,  (red chalk, pen and brown ink)

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