Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) Assets (57 in total)

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Tarquinius the Proud founding the Temple of Jupiter on Capitol Hilll
Tarquinius the Proud founding the Temple of Jupiter on Capitol Hilll

FAF3567511: Tarquinius the Proud founding the Temple of Jupiter on Capitol Hilll, Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

The Hunt of the Calydonian Boar (pen & ink with brown wash and white heightening on paper)
The Hunt of the Calydonian Boar (pen & ink with brown wash and white heightening on paper)

CTS829847: The Hunt of the Calydonian Boar (pen & ink with brown wash and white heightening on paper), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

The Raising of Lazarus, 1538-40 (fresco transferred to canvas)
The Raising of Lazarus, 1538-40 (fresco transferred to canvas)

SBL862854: The Raising of Lazarus, 1538-40 (fresco transferred to canvas), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Passion of Christ: Jesus and Pontius Pilate (oil on wood, 1434)
Passion of Christ: Jesus and Pontius Pilate (oil on wood, 1434)

LRI4609649: Passion of Christ: Jesus and Pontius Pilate (oil on wood, 1434), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)
Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)

GRL3606312: Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Design for a mural decoration with grotesques for the Cagliostra of the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome, c.1544 (pen & brown ink on paper)
Design for a mural decoration with grotesques for the Cagliostra of the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome, c.1544 (pen & brown ink on paper)

CND236875: Design for a mural decoration with grotesques for the Cagliostra of the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome, c.1544 (pen & brown ink on paper), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Entombment of Jesus (Painting, 16th century)
Entombment of Jesus (Painting, 16th century)

LRI4696809: Entombment of Jesus (Painting, 16th century), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Roman Charity (oil on canvas)
Roman Charity (oil on canvas)

FAF375385: Roman Charity (oil on canvas), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

St. Veronica with SS. Peter and Paul (pen & ink and wash on paper)
St. Veronica with SS. Peter and Paul (pen & ink and wash on paper)

BAT264459: St. Veronica with SS. Peter and Paul (pen & ink and wash on paper), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Geometry (pen & brown ink with wash on carta azzurra)
Geometry (pen & brown ink with wash on carta azzurra)

CTS366767: Geometry (pen & brown ink with wash on carta azzurra), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Studies of an eagle's head (pen & brown ink on paper)
Studies of an eagle's head (pen & brown ink on paper)

CTS366769: Studies of an eagle's head (pen & brown ink on paper), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

The Back of a Nude and Two Studies of a Raised Arm and Shoulder, Seen from the Front,  (black chalk, pen and brown ink)
The Back of a Nude and Two Studies of a Raised Arm and Shoulder, Seen from the Front,  (black chalk, pen and brown ink)

CH990022: The Back of a Nude and Two Studies of a Raised Arm and Shoulder, Seen from the Front, (black chalk, pen and brown ink), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

The crossing of the Red Sea, 1522-23 (oil on canvas)
The crossing of the Red Sea, 1522-23 (oil on canvas)

PDB5979893: The crossing of the Red Sea, 1522-23 (oil on canvas), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

St Michael, Central panel (oil on wood, c.1535)
St Michael, Central panel (oil on wood, c.1535)

LRI4696910: St Michael, Central panel (oil on wood, c.1535), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

St John Baptist, Side Panel (oil on wood, c.1535)
St John Baptist, Side Panel (oil on wood, c.1535)

LRI4696945: St John Baptist, Side Panel (oil on wood, c.1535), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

St Peter, Side panel (oil on wood, c.1535)
St Peter, Side panel (oil on wood, c.1535)

LRI4696957: St Peter, Side panel (oil on wood, c.1535), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Angel of the Annunciation, detail (oil on wood, c.1535)
Angel of the Annunciation, detail (oil on wood, c.1535)

LRI4696978: Angel of the Annunciation, detail (oil on wood, c.1535), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Passion of Christ: Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (oil on wood, 1434)
Passion of Christ: Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (oil on wood, 1434)

LRI4609598: Passion of Christ: Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (oil on wood, 1434), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)
Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)

GRL3606308: Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)
Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco)

GRL3606311: Andrea Doria's ancestors, Loggia of the Heroes, 1530-33 (fresco), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

Couple embraces, 16th century (sanguine)
Couple embraces, 16th century (sanguine)

JLJ4686390: Couple embraces, 16th century (sanguine), Vaga, Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (1501-47) / Bridgeman Images

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