Virgin and Child Painting on wood by Antonio Aquili dit Antoniazzo Romano (active around 1461-1508) Sun. 46x37 Genes, Galleria di Palazzo Bianco, Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : The saint heals a man with the wounded foot (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St Francesca Romana: On her return of st John Lateran, the saint heals a man with a cutted arm (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : The death of the saint after having said Vespers, 9 March 1440 (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : On her return from St Paul's Basilica the saint was caught up in ecstasy, in a stream but rose up perfectly dry, detail (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Pieta. The aureole of Jesus Christ is marked with a cross. Detail, 15th century (fresco), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St Francesca Romana: On her return of st John Lateran, the saint heals a man with a cutted arm, detail (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : Several time in ecstasy Francesca received the Holy Child from the Virgin (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : A man is risen by the saint after being drowned in the Tiber (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : Camilla, a deaf-mute is healed by the saint (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St Francesca Romana: The saint heals a man beaten to death by his enemies (fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : 1st March 1433, Francesca in a vision is taken by the Mother of God under her mantle (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : During an ectasy, the Divine Redeemer takes Francesca by the right hand (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : On her return from St Paul's Basilica, the saint was caught up in ecstasy, in a stream but rose up perfectly dry (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : The son of the saint, killed by the bubonic plague appears to her with an angel (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of Saint Francoise Romaine : the saint maintaining the vineyard with the sisters makes grapes appear in January (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana :When the saint was receiving Communion, a shining orb appeared above her (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of hell, the devil sits among the different circles of damns (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images
Life of St. Francesca Romana : The saint and the oblates offer themselves to the benedictine order and settle in the church of santa maria nova, Rome (Fresco, 1468), Romano, Antoniazzo (c.1430-1512) / Bridgeman Images