Composition, Pink Horse and Blue Knight; Composizione, Cavaliere Rosa ed Azzurro, 1953 (oil on canvas), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images
People or The Couple, (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images
Characters from a Circus; Personaggi del Circo, 1950 (oil, coloured wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images
People or The Couple (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images
Big Theatre (Grande teatro), by Marino Marini, 1958 - 1960, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images
Composition with a Red Cavalier; Composizione Cavieri Rossi, 1970 (tempera and collage on paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images