Marini, Marino (1901-80) Assets (131 in total)

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Small Rider, 1952 (bronze)
Small Rider, 1952 (bronze)

SD873778: Small Rider, 1952 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images


GRZ4833089: THE SCULPTOR AND PAINTER MARINO MARINI - 195?, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Cavaliere, 1951 (hand-chiselled bronze with brown & gold patina)
Cavaliere, 1951 (hand-chiselled bronze with brown & gold patina)

CH3822137: Cavaliere, 1951 (hand-chiselled bronze with brown & gold patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Composition, Pink Horse and Blue Knight; Composizione, Cavaliere Rosa ed Azzurro, 1953 (oil on canvas)
Composition, Pink Horse and Blue Knight; Composizione, Cavaliere Rosa ed Azzurro, 1953 (oil on canvas)

CH1768899: Composition, Pink Horse and Blue Knight; Composizione, Cavaliere Rosa ed Azzurro, 1953 (oil on canvas), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Miracle, 1952 (bronze with greenish brown patina)
Miracle, 1952 (bronze with greenish brown patina)

CH989151: Miracle, 1952 (bronze with greenish brown patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Giocolieri, 1953 (bronze with brown patina)
Giocolieri, 1953 (bronze with brown patina)

CH877934: Giocolieri, 1953 (bronze with brown patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Cavaliere, 1951 (bronze with grey patina)
Cavaliere, 1951 (bronze with grey patina)

CH1767953: Cavaliere, 1951 (bronze with grey patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horse and Rider, c.1947 (bronze)
Horse and Rider, c.1947 (bronze)

INC2968683: Horse and Rider, c.1947 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horse, c.1937 (bronze)
Horse, c.1937 (bronze)

GRL6283707: Horse, c.1937 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Two Riders, c.1953 (oil on canvas)
Two Riders, c.1953 (oil on canvas)

NUM117987: Two Riders, c.1953 (oil on canvas), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

People or The Couple, (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm
People or The Couple, (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm

MEP850011: People or The Couple, (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Characters from a Circus; Personaggi del Circo, 1950 (oil, coloured wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper)
Characters from a Circus; Personaggi del Circo, 1950 (oil, coloured wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper)

CH825778: Characters from a Circus; Personaggi del Circo, 1950 (oil, coloured wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Kneeling Nude, 1945 (bronze)
Kneeling Nude, 1945 (bronze)

CIN5943009: Kneeling Nude, 1945 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Idea for the Rider, 1955 (bronze)
Idea for the Rider, 1955 (bronze)

SD873656: Idea for the Rider, 1955 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Cavallo, 1954 (oil on board)
Cavallo, 1954 (oil on board)

CH656748: Cavallo, 1954 (oil on board), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135501)
Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135501)

CK135500: Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135501), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Gentleman on Horseback; Gentiluomo a cavallo, 1937-1980 (bronze with green patina)
Gentleman on Horseback; Gentiluomo a cavallo, 1937-1980 (bronze with green patina)

CH1768015: Gentleman on Horseback; Gentiluomo a cavallo, 1937-1980 (bronze with green patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Multicoloured Threesome; Trio Policromo, 1954 (oil on canvas)
Multicoloured Threesome; Trio Policromo, 1954 (oil on canvas)

CH656598: Multicoloured Threesome; Trio Policromo, 1954 (oil on canvas), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Cavaliere, 1947 (bronze with grey green patina)
Cavaliere, 1947 (bronze with grey green patina)

CH656838: Cavaliere, 1947 (bronze with grey green patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horseman; Cavaliere, 1955 (drawn on buff paper)
Horseman; Cavaliere, 1955 (drawn on buff paper)

CH653139: Horseman; Cavaliere, 1955 (drawn on buff paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

People or The Couple (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm
People or The Couple (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm

MEP850012: People or The Couple (Popolo o La couple), by Marino Marini, 1929, 20th Century, terracotta , 66 x 109 x 47 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135500)
Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135500)

CK135501: Henry Moore (1898-1986) 1962 (bronze with brown patina) (see also 135500), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Small knight, 1946 (bronze)
Small knight, 1946 (bronze)

PRZ3433182: Small knight, 1946 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Piccolo Cavaliere, (bronze with green patina)
Piccolo Cavaliere, (bronze with green patina)

CH652472: Piccolo Cavaliere, (bronze with green patina), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Female Nude Sculpture Room, 1966, the Palazzo Venezia, Rome, by Marino Marini (1901-80)
Female Nude Sculpture Room, 1966, the Palazzo Venezia, Rome, by Marino Marini (1901-80)

LEE56541: Female Nude Sculpture Room, 1966, the Palazzo Venezia, Rome, by Marino Marini (1901-80), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Red and Black Rider, 1955 (color litho)
Red and Black Rider, 1955 (color litho)

DMA1067463: Red and Black Rider, 1955 (color litho), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Man on a Horse, 1955 (oil & ink on paper)
Man on a Horse, 1955 (oil & ink on paper)

NUM117986: Man on a Horse, 1955 (oil & ink on paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horse and Rider (lateral view) (bronze)
Horse and Rider (lateral view) (bronze)

FTB122365: Horse and Rider (lateral view) (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horse and Rider, 1949 (polychrome ceramic)
Horse and Rider, 1949 (polychrome ceramic)

FFA274468: Horse and Rider, 1949 (polychrome ceramic), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Horse and Rider, 1949 (tempera on card)
Horse and Rider, 1949 (tempera on card)

ESC105527: Horse and Rider, 1949 (tempera on card), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Drawing by Marino Marini (1901-1980, 20th century. Milano, Collezione Jesi
Drawing by Marino Marini (1901-1980, 20th century. Milano, Collezione Jesi

LRI4608500: Drawing by Marino Marini (1901-1980, 20th century. Milano, Collezione Jesi, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Big Theatre (Grande teatro), by Marino Marini, 1958 - 1960, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm
Big Theatre (Grande teatro), by Marino Marini, 1958 - 1960, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm

MEP848136: Big Theatre (Grande teatro), by Marino Marini, 1958 - 1960, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm, Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

T23718 Three White Horses, 1954 (paper on board)
T23718 Three White Horses, 1954 (paper on board)

PFA64670: T23718 Three White Horses, 1954 (paper on board), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Quadriga, 1942 (bronze)
Quadriga, 1942 (bronze)

ESC105524: Quadriga, 1942 (bronze), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Young Girl (Female Nude), 1938 (terracotta)
Young Girl (Female Nude), 1938 (terracotta)

PDB5979758: Young Girl (Female Nude), 1938 (terracotta), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

Composition with a Red Cavalier; Composizione Cavieri Rossi, 1970 (tempera and collage on paper)
Composition with a Red Cavalier; Composizione Cavieri Rossi, 1970 (tempera and collage on paper)

CH825338: Composition with a Red Cavalier; Composizione Cavieri Rossi, 1970 (tempera and collage on paper), Marini, Marino (1901-80) / Bridgeman Images

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