Gostiaux, Gabriel (E. Phosty) (1838-1910)

Creator details

Gostiaux, Gabriel (E. Phosty) (1838-1910)

Assets (18 in total)

Universal suffrage: polling station in Brittany, late 19th century (colour litho)
Journey to the Moon, 1865 (engraving)
Page 5: Lion, lioness, cub
Page 6: Royal Tiger, Tiger and their Little
Page 2: Diphthongs, all kinds of syllables The wild cat, the eagle, the giraffe, the fox, the weasel, the rhinoceros
Page 7: Elephants: the toilet of the Hippopotamus family
Page 11: Deer, goat and their goats Suede, daine and their little deer, deer and their fawns
Page 12: Hares: book, hases, lips Garenne rabbits: rabbits, rabbits, rabbits
Page 13: Pumas or silver lions or American lions Wolf, jackal, African barred hyena, Asian mane hyena
Page 14: Polar animals: reindeer, polar bears, harp seal, male walrus
Page 1: Consonants, vowels, accents Cape Buffalo of South Africa, Monkey and Guenon, Otter
Page 10: European brown bears: bear, bear, bear, cubs

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