ELC851432: The Doge Pasquale Cicogna attends the Mass celebrated by Father Priamo Balbi (Pasquale Cicogna assiste alla messa celebrata da padre Priamo Balbi), by Jacopo Negretti known as Palma il Giovane, 1586 - 1587, 16th Century, canvas, 369 x 262 cm, Palma Il Giovane (Jacopo Negretti) (1548-1628) / Bridgeman Images
ELC850893: The Doge Alvise Mocenigo giving thanks to the Virgin for the victory in the battle of Lepanto (Il doge Alvise Mocenigo ringrazia la Vergine per la vittoria di Lepanto), by Jacopo Negretti known as Palma il Giovane, 1596, 16th Century, canvas, 360 x, Palma Il Giovane (Jacopo Negretti) (1548-1628) / Bridgeman Images