Grobet, Henri (active c.1890)

Creator details

Grobet, Henri (active c.1890)

Assets (51 in total)

Temptation of Christ - Jesus Christ tempted by the demon (Devil) “Holy History”” circa 1890 - color engraving by Henri Grobet
Christ Before Pilate - Christ before Pontius Pilate - “” Holy History”” circa 1890 - engraved in colors by Henri Grobet
Christ walking on water - “” Jesus walking on the waters - “” Holy History”” circa 1890 - color engraving by Henri Grobet
The deluge - The universal deluge - “” Holy History”” circa 1890 - engraved in color by Henri Grobet
July 14, 1789: the people at the assault of the Bastille - engraving, deb. 20th century
The Flight into Egypt - Scene of the Life of Jesus - Flight in Egypt - “Holy History” circa 1890 - Engraved in color by Henri Grobet
Christ working with Joseph as a carpenter in Nazareth - Childhood of Jesus: “” the carpenter of Nazareth”” Joseph, Mary and Jesus child in Joseph's joinery workshop - “” Holy History”” circa 1890 - color engraving by Henri Grobet
Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee (Mary Magdalene annointing Christ's feet) - ” Holy History” circa 1890 - colour engraving by Henri Grobet
Moses crossing the Red Sea - Le passage de la Mer Rouge: Moise separating the Red Sea - “” Holy History”” circa 1890 - colour engraving by Henri Grobet
Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise - Adam and Eve Chasse du Paradise - “Holy History”” circa 1890 - engraved in colours by Henri Grobet
The Ascension of Christ - The Ascension of Christ - “Holy History”” circa 1890 - engraved in color by Henri Grobet
The Capture of the Smalah (Smala) by Abd El Kader (Abd El-Kader) (1843) - in “” Histoire de France””, ill. Grobet, Lib. Lefevre, ed. Guerin, Paris, 1919

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