Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)

Creator details

Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)

Assets (77 in total)

Sacrilegious Robbery (Il furto sacrilego), by Alessandro Magnasco known as il Lissandrino, 1731 - 1732, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 160 x 240 cm
Christ Attended by the Angels, c.1725-30 (oil on canvas)
Living room in an outdoor garden of Albaro Mondanites. c.1735 (Painting)
Adoration of the Magi (oil on canvas)
Self portrait as a young man (oil on canvas)
Confession of the Capuchins (Confessione dei frati cappuccini), by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 18th century, oil on canvas, 36 x 25 cm.
Satire on a Nobleman in Misery, 1719/1725 (oil on canvas)
Fantastic Landscape with Monks, 1720 (painting)
Landscape with Carmelite Friars Praying at a Roadside Shrine, c.1720 (oil on canvas)
The Synagogue, 1725-35 (oil on canvas)
Bohemian Wedding Banquet, c.1730-35 (oil on canvas)
Landscape with Crockery Washers (oil on canvas)

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