Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)

Creator details

Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)

Assets (77 in total)

Sacrilegious Robbery (Il furto sacrilego), by Alessandro Magnasco known as il Lissandrino, 1731 - 1732, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 160 x 240 cm
Christ Attended by the Angels, c.1725-30 (oil on canvas)
Living room in an outdoor garden of Albaro Mondanites. c.1735 (Painting)
Adoration of the Magi (oil on canvas)
Joseph interprets the dreams, by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 18th century, oil on canvas, 134 x 177 cm.
Self portrait as a young man (oil on canvas)
Confession of the Capuchins (Confessione dei frati cappuccini), by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 18th century, oil on canvas, 36 x 25 cm.
Landscape (Paesaggio), by Alessandro Magnasco known as il Lissandrino, 17th Century, oil on canvas, 61 x 122 cm
Three Monks Praying in a Landscape, (oil on canvas)
Two Friars fleeing, by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 17th - 18th century, watercolor brown and white highlights on paper.
Hunter, by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 17th - 18th century, watercolor brown and white highlights on paper.
Crippled beggar, by Alessandro Magnasco known as Lissandrino, 17th - 18th century, brown and white watercolor on paper, traces of red pencil.

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