ICA4908677: Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1981_4_21: Elections, President of the Republic, Verifier dates - Marianne, Giscard d'Estaing Valery, Mitterrand Francois, Marchais Georges, Chirac Jacques, Debre Michel, Garaud Marie-France, Laguiller Arlette, Bouchardeau Huguette - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4861307: Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1981_6_9: Elections, President of the Republic, Union of the Left, Joint Programme, Communist Ministers - Marianne, Mitterrand Francois, Jospin Lionel, Mauroy Pierre - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4870688: Paris-Presse, Satirique en N & B, 1964_10_29: England Great Britain, Aviation, Europe, President of the Republic, London, Agriculture, Concorde (plane), Armchair (symbol of power) - De Gaulle Charles, Pompidou Georges, Pisani - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images