Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) Assets (2946 in total)
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1968_3_12: President of the Republic, FGDS, Left Opposition - Mitterrand Francois, Faure Maurice, Mollet Guy, Waldeck Rochet - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1983_3_3: Elections - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Point, Satirique en N & B, 1981_6_1: President of the Republic, Economy - Mitterrand Francois, Delors Jacques - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1981_6_18: President of the Republic - Marianne, Mitterrand Francois, Mauroy Pierre - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1981_6_6: Elections, President of the Republic - Marianne, Mitterrand Francois - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1968_3_14: Poland, President of the Republic, Romania, Hungary, FGDS, Left Opposition - Mitterrand Francois, Mollet Guy, Waldeck Rochet - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1978_7_13: CGT, President of the Republic - Giscard d'Estaing Valery, Marchais Georges, Barre Raymond, Seguy Georges - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Days of France, Satirique en N & B, 1978_7_24: Humor, Wedding, Swimming Swimming - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1978_8_12: Aviation, Greve - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_10_13: Israeli-Arab conflict - Brejnev, Nixon Richard - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_10_27: Brejnev, Nixon Richard - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_10_24: President of the Republic - Pompidou Georges, Messmer Pierre, Conte Arthur - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_11_6: Petrole - Kissinger - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_11_8: Reproduction - Nixon Richard, Kissinger - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_11_13: Marianne, Servan-Schreiber Jean-Jacques, Messmer Pierre - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_11_22: President of the Republic, Inflation - Marianne, Giscard d'Estaing Valery - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_12_12: America, Europe - Kissinger, Jobert Michel - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1973_12_15: Europe, Arab-Israeli Conflict - Marianne - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_3_22: Marchais Georges - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_3_3: Social - Marianne, Barre Raymond - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_12_29: Identify - Brejnev, Carter Jimmy - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_12_26: Budget Finances, President of the Republic, Reproduction - Chirac Jacques, Barre Raymond - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_1_1: Marianne - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_2_27: Communist Party - Wolves - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Jours de France, Satirique en N & B, 1979_2_10: Social, CGT, FO, Cfdt, Cgc - Marianne, Barre Raymond, Seguy Georges, Maire Edmond, Bergeron - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1979_6_29: Petrole - Barre Raymond - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Jours de France, Satirique en N & B, 1979_1_29: Social, Industrie Ufactories Industrie, Cgc - Barre Raymond, Charpentie Yvan - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1972_12_26: President of the Republic - Marianne, Mitterrand Francois, Marchais Georges, Fabre Robert - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_1_28: Press/Medias, UDR, Ortf - Chaban Delmas Jacques, Desgraupes Pierre - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_3_7: Elections - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_3_28: President of the Republic - Pompidou Georges, Chaban Delmas Jacques - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_5_14: Impots, President of the Republic, Vacuum Cleaner - Marianne, Giscard d'Estaing Valery - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_6_3: Greve, President of the Republic, USSR - Pompidou Georges, Gromyko Andrei - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_6_24: Marianne, Chaban Delmas Jacques - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images
Le Figaro, Satirique en N & B, 1970_8_6: President of the Republic - Marianne, Giscard d'Estaing Valery - Illustration by Jacques Faizant (1918-2006), Faizant, Jacques (1918-2006) / Bridgeman Images