Study for Contrast of Forms, by Fernand Léger, 1913, 20th Century, gouache on paper on board, 49,5 x 61 cm, Leger, Fernand (1881-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Still Life Profile and Chess Table; Nature Morte au Profil et Table d'Echec, 1928 (oil on canvas), Leger, Fernand (1881-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Woman at a Table (Study for The Great Breakfast); Femme Attablee (Study for Le Grand Dejeuner), 1921 (watercolour and black ink on paper), Leger, Fernand (1881-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Builders by a Tree with a Yellow Background; Les Constructeurs a L'Arbre sur Fond Jeune, 1949-1950 (gouache and brush and black ink on paper), Leger, Fernand (1881-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Study for The Swimmers; Etude pour Les Plongeurs, 1941 (pen and ink and pencil on brown paper), Leger, Fernand (1881-1955) / Bridgeman Images