Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) Assets (41 in total)

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The Battle of Marignan, 14th September 1515, 1836 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Marignan, 14th September 1515, 1836 (oil on canvas)

XIR39034: The Battle of Marignan, 14th September 1515, 1836 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Francois I (1494-1547) with Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) (oil on canvas)
Francois I (1494-1547) with Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) (oil on canvas)

XIR198845: Francois I (1494-1547) with Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Saladin I (1138-93) in Jerusalem, c.1830-50 (oil on canvas)
Saladin I (1138-93) in Jerusalem, c.1830-50 (oil on canvas)

XIR172633: Saladin I (1138-93) in Jerusalem, c.1830-50 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Battle of Marignan, September 14, 1515, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Battle of Marignan, September 14, 1515, 19th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4682728: Battle of Marignan, September 14, 1515, 19th century (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Rodrigo de Vivar, 'El Cid' (c.1043-99) and his father, Don Diego, c.1827 (oil on canvas)
Rodrigo de Vivar, 'El Cid' (c.1043-99) and his father, Don Diego, c.1827 (oil on canvas)

SSM122726: Rodrigo de Vivar, 'El Cid' (c.1043-99) and his father, Don Diego, c.1827 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Mirabeau Answering Dreux-Breze, at a National Assembly Meeting, 23rd June 1789, 1830 (oil on canvas)
Mirabeau Answering Dreux-Breze, at a National Assembly Meeting, 23rd June 1789, 1830 (oil on canvas)

XIR136411: Mirabeau Answering Dreux-Breze, at a National Assembly Meeting, 23rd June 1789, 1830 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Raphael Adjusting his Model's Pose for his Painting of the Virgin and Child (oil on canvas)
Raphael Adjusting his Model's Pose for his Painting of the Virgin and Child (oil on canvas)

XIR245715: Raphael Adjusting his Model's Pose for his Painting of the Virgin and Child (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject (oil on canvas)
The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject (oil on canvas)

SSM122727: The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject II (oil on canvas)
The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject II (oil on canvas)

SSM122717: The Fatal Hour: Fantastic Subject II (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Mary Queen of Scots (1542-87) with Rizzio, c.1830 (oil on canvas)
Mary Queen of Scots (1542-87) with Rizzio, c.1830 (oil on canvas)

SSM122706: Mary Queen of Scots (1542-87) with Rizzio, c.1830 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Diane de Poitiers Visting Jean Goujon, 19th century (painting)
Diane de Poitiers Visting Jean Goujon, 19th century (painting)

FIA5398588: Diane de Poitiers Visting Jean Goujon, 19th century (painting), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Francis I (1494-1547) and his sister Marguerite of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre (1492-1549)
Francis I (1494-1547) and his sister Marguerite of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre (1492-1549)

IBE5361667: Francis I (1494-1547) and his sister Marguerite of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre (1492-1549), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto, 19th century (oil on canvas)

SSM122730: Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto, 19th century (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Lecture Of Henry IV (1553-1610), 1822-1824 (oil on canvas)
The Lecture Of Henry IV (1553-1610), 1822-1824 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4686976: The Lecture Of Henry IV (1553-1610), 1822-1824 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Fiancee of the King of Garbe: the Tree (pen and ink)
The Fiancee of the King of Garbe: the Tree (pen and ink)

AGN65472: The Fiancee of the King of Garbe: the Tree (pen and ink), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas)
The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas)

SSM122724: The Recalling of Childeric (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Don Juan et Leporello rencontrent la statue du Commandeur au cimetière (graphite, pen & brown ink with w/c on paper, heightened with gum arabic)
Don Juan et Leporello rencontrent la statue du Commandeur au cimetière (graphite, pen & brown ink with w/c on paper, heightened with gum arabic)

CH7131837: Don Juan et Leporello rencontrent la statue du Commandeur au cimetière (graphite, pen & brown ink with w/c on paper, heightened with gum arabic), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Dominique Vivant Denon (1747-1825) Replacing the bones of Le Cid in his Tomb (oil on canvas)
Dominique Vivant Denon (1747-1825) Replacing the bones of Le Cid in his Tomb (oil on canvas)

XIR157976: Dominique Vivant Denon (1747-1825) Replacing the bones of Le Cid in his Tomb (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Coronation of a young girl (oil on canvas)
Coronation of a young girl (oil on canvas)

BRM349579: Coronation of a young girl (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Louis XI surveillant l'éducation du dauphin, 1833-1835
Louis XI surveillant l'éducation du dauphin, 1833-1835

CH7138376: Louis XI surveillant l'éducation du dauphin, 1833-1835, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Une femme regardant un homme endormi, 1825
Une femme regardant un homme endormi, 1825

CH7138378: Une femme regardant un homme endormi, 1825, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Henri the Fourth, Sully and Gabrielle d’Estrées, c.1780-1850 (oil on canvas)
Henri the Fourth, Sully and Gabrielle d’Estrées, c.1780-1850 (oil on canvas)

TFJ7205902: Henri the Fourth, Sully and Gabrielle d’Estrées, c.1780-1850 (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Rubens et Hélène Fourment assis avec Frans tenant une lettre et Isabelle Hélène leurs donnant un bouquet de roses, 1833
Rubens et Hélène Fourment assis avec Frans tenant une lettre et Isabelle Hélène leurs donnant un bouquet de roses, 1833

CH7136796: Rubens et Hélène Fourment assis avec Frans tenant une lettre et Isabelle Hélène leurs donnant un bouquet de roses, 1833, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Young Man admiring a Portrait of a Lady and her Little Daughter, 1833-35
Young Man admiring a Portrait of a Lady and her Little Daughter, 1833-35

CH7136795: Young Man admiring a Portrait of a Lady and her Little Daughter, 1833-35, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Elisabeth Woodville, la Reine d'Angleterre, faisant ses adieux à ses fils, Edouard V et Richard, duc de York, avec un homme éploré derrière une colonne, 1833-1835
Elisabeth Woodville, la Reine d'Angleterre, faisant ses adieux à ses fils, Edouard V et Richard, duc de York, avec un homme éploré derrière une colonne, 1833-1835

CH7138377: Elisabeth Woodville, la Reine d'Angleterre, faisant ses adieux à ses fils, Edouard V et Richard, duc de York, avec un homme éploré derrière une colonne, 1833-1835, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait de Philippe Néricault Destouches, 1806
Portrait de Philippe Néricault Destouches, 1806

CH7138382: Portrait de Philippe Néricault Destouches, 1806, Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon with the King of Rome. Napoleon I Bonaparte, his wife Marie, Louise of Austria and in his arms their son Napoleon II, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Napoleon with the King of Rome. Napoleon I Bonaparte, his wife Marie, Louise of Austria and in his arms their son Napoleon II, 19th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4596407: Napoleon with the King of Rome. Napoleon I Bonaparte, his wife Marie, Louise of Austria and in his arms their son Napoleon II, 19th century (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Cupid and Psyche (pencil and grey ink on paper)
Cupid and Psyche (pencil and grey ink on paper)

CH7140142: Cupid and Psyche (pencil and grey ink on paper), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Elizabeth Bidding Farewell to Her Sons, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Queen Elizabeth Bidding Farewell to Her Sons, 19th century (oil on canvas)

SSM122725: Queen Elizabeth Bidding Farewell to Her Sons, 19th century (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Japanese Carafe Vase, 1832 (watercolour)
Japanese Carafe Vase, 1832 (watercolour)

JLJ4614070: Japanese Carafe Vase, 1832 (watercolour), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Carafe, 1832 (sketch)
Carafe, 1832 (sketch)

CCI1984268: Carafe, 1832 (sketch), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Empress Maria-Theresa (1717-80) presenting the future Joseph II to the Magnates of Hungary (graphite, sepia washes with ink and gouache on paper)
The Empress Maria-Theresa (1717-80) presenting the future Joseph II to the Magnates of Hungary (graphite, sepia washes with ink and gouache on paper)

SSM122707: The Empress Maria-Theresa (1717-80) presenting the future Joseph II to the Magnates of Hungary (graphite, sepia washes with ink and gouache on paper), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Francois I weapon knight by Bayard, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Francois I weapon knight by Bayard, 19th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4594742: Francois I weapon knight by Bayard, 19th century (oil on canvas), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Project for the National Assembly or Palais Bourbon, Palais du Corps Legislatif, 19th century (drawing)
Project for the National Assembly or Palais Bourbon, Palais du Corps Legislatif, 19th century (drawing)

JLJ4671899: Project for the National Assembly or Palais Bourbon, Palais du Corps Legislatif, 19th century (drawing), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of La Citoyene D., 1794 (pencil on paper)
Portrait of La Citoyene D., 1794 (pencil on paper)

PNH352734: Portrait of La Citoyene D., 1794 (pencil on paper), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

The Letter Scene from the opera 'The Barber of Seville' by Rossini engraved by Villain de Sevres (litho)
The Letter Scene from the opera 'The Barber of Seville' by Rossini engraved by Villain de Sevres (litho)

XJL196679: The Letter Scene from the opera 'The Barber of Seville' by Rossini engraved by Villain de Sevres (litho), Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste (1780-1850) / Bridgeman Images

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