The Chapter of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem held in Rhodes in 1524, 1839 (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
The Swearing of the Oath of Ratification of the Treaty of Munster, 15th May 1648, c.1837 (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Louis XI of France surprising the Queen instructing the Dauphin contrary to his will (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Queen of France Marie de Medicis (1573-1642) visiting the workshop of the painter Pierre Paul Rubens (1577-1640), 1839 (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Council of Ministers at the Tuileries Signing the Law of Regency, 15th August 1842, 1844 (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Council of Ministers at the Palais des Tuileries, Marechal Soult presents to Louis Philippe I (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, The Prince Consort landing at Boulogne, 1855 (oil on panel), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
Charlemagne crowned King of the Lombards (Charlemagne couronné roi des Lombards), by Claudius Jacquand, 19th Century, Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images
The cardinal comes to pick up the painter Jose de Ribera dit il Spagnoletto l'Espagnolet, 1839 (oil on canvas), Jacquand, Claude (1804-78) / Bridgeman Images