Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) Assets (725 in total)

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Byzantine head of a brunette; Tete byzantine d'une brunette, c.1897 (lithograph in colours)
Byzantine head of a brunette; Tete byzantine d'une brunette, c.1897 (lithograph in colours)

CH1195296: Byzantine head of a brunette; Tete byzantine d'une brunette, c.1897 (lithograph in colours), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Arts: Music, 1898 (colour litho)
The Arts: Music, 1898 (colour litho)

MCA176391: The Arts: Music, 1898 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

XIR895928: "The Lady of the Camelias", with Sarah Bernhardt, 1890-1910 (lithograph), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Au Quartier Latin, 1898 (colour litho)
Au Quartier Latin, 1898 (colour litho)

CH1766961: Au Quartier Latin, 1898 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Abyss, 1899 (oil on canvas)
The Abyss, 1899 (oil on canvas)

XIR160255: The Abyss, 1899 (oil on canvas), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising 'Bieres de la Meuse', 1897 (colour litho)
Poster advertising 'Bieres de la Meuse', 1897 (colour litho)

MCA176386: Poster advertising 'Bieres de la Meuse', 1897 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Wallpaper design (graphite & w/c on paper)
Wallpaper design (graphite & w/c on paper)

KSL280781: Wallpaper design (graphite & w/c on paper), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Precious Stones: Amethyst, 1900 (colour litho)
The Precious Stones: Amethyst, 1900 (colour litho)

SLN2634674: The Precious Stones: Amethyst, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Precious Stones: Ruby, 1900 (colour litho)
The Precious Stones: Ruby, 1900 (colour litho)

MCA176382: The Precious Stones: Ruby, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

La Peinture, 1898 (watercolour on card)
La Peinture, 1898 (watercolour on card)

CH985605: La Peinture, 1898 (watercolour on card), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Primrose, 1899 (colour litho)
Primrose, 1899 (colour litho)

MCA176906: Primrose, 1899 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons: Winter, 1900 (colour litho)
The Seasons: Winter, 1900 (colour litho)

MCA176380: The Seasons: Winter, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 38 from 'Documents Decoratifs', 1902 (colour litho)
Plate 38 from 'Documents Decoratifs', 1902 (colour litho)

MCA178428: Plate 38 from 'Documents Decoratifs', 1902 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Moon and the Stars: Evening Star, 1902 (colour litho)
The Moon and the Stars: Evening Star, 1902 (colour litho)

MCA176931: The Moon and the Stars: Evening Star, 1902 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Job, 1898 (lithograph in colours)
Job, 1898 (lithograph in colours)

CH1766957: Job, 1898 (lithograph in colours), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Moon and the Stars: Pole Star, 1902 (colour litho)
The Moon and the Stars: Pole Star, 1902 (colour litho)

MCA176932: The Moon and the Stars: Pole Star, 1902 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons: Summer, 1900 (colour litho)
The Seasons: Summer, 1900 (colour litho)

MCA176378: The Seasons: Summer, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Woman in the Wilderness, 1923 (oil on canvas)
Woman in the Wilderness, 1923 (oil on canvas)

MCA178457: Woman in the Wilderness, 1923 (oil on canvas), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons: Autumn, 1896 (colour litho)
The Seasons: Autumn, 1896 (colour litho)

SLN2634665: The Seasons: Autumn, 1896 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising 'Job' cigarette papers, 1896 (colour litho)
Poster advertising 'Job' cigarette papers, 1896 (colour litho)

MCA176369: Poster advertising 'Job' cigarette papers, 1896 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons: Variant 3 (colour litho) (see 176365-68)
The Seasons: Variant 3 (colour litho) (see 176365-68)

MCA176912: The Seasons: Variant 3 (colour litho) (see 176365-68), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

La Musique - by Mucha, 1898.
La Musique - by Mucha, 1898.

LSE4080791: La Musique - by Mucha, 1898., Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster for Biscuits Champagne produced by Lefevre Utile, 1897 (poster)
Poster for Biscuits Champagne produced by Lefevre Utile, 1897 (poster)

JLJ4605001: Poster for Biscuits Champagne produced by Lefevre Utile, 1897 (poster), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

La Madonna au Lys, 1905 (oil on canvas)
La Madonna au Lys, 1905 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4652085: La Madonna au Lys, 1905 (oil on canvas), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Feather, 1899 (colour litho)
Feather, 1899 (colour litho)

MCA176907: Feather, 1899 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Precious Stones: Topaz, 1900 (colour litho)
The Precious Stones: Topaz, 1900 (colour litho)

SLN2634671: The Precious Stones: Topaz, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising 'Cycles Perfecta', 1902 (colour litho)
Poster advertising 'Cycles Perfecta', 1902 (colour litho)

MCA178445: Poster advertising 'Cycles Perfecta', 1902 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), La Dame aux Camelias, at the Theatre de la Renaissance, 1896 (colour litho)
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), La Dame aux Camelias, at the Theatre de la Renaissance, 1896 (colour litho)

MCA176937: Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), La Dame aux Camelias, at the Theatre de la Renaissance, 1896 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising 'Flirt' biscuits by 'Lefevre-Utile', 1899 (colour litho)
Poster advertising 'Flirt' biscuits by 'Lefevre-Utile', 1899 (colour litho)

MCA178467: Poster advertising 'Flirt' biscuits by 'Lefevre-Utile', 1899 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Dance (Rose), 1898 (colour litho)
Dance (Rose), 1898 (colour litho)

FIA6255618: Dance (Rose), 1898 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Precious Stones: Emerald, 1900 (colour litho)
The Precious Stones: Emerald, 1900 (colour litho)

SLN2634670: The Precious Stones: Emerald, 1900 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Abolition of Serfdom, from the 'Slav Epic', 1914 (oil and tempera on canvas)
The Abolition of Serfdom, from the 'Slav Epic', 1914 (oil and tempera on canvas)

MCA178869: The Abolition of Serfdom, from the 'Slav Epic', 1914 (oil and tempera on canvas), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Seasons: Winter, 1896 (colour litho)
The Seasons: Winter, 1896 (colour litho)

MCA176368: The Seasons: Winter, 1896 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising Ed. de Beukelaer & Co. Biscuits Anvers, printed by F. Champenois, Paris, c.1899 (colour litho)
Poster advertising Ed. de Beukelaer & Co. Biscuits Anvers, printed by F. Champenois, Paris, c.1899 (colour litho)

SIT289992: Poster advertising Ed. de Beukelaer & Co. Biscuits Anvers, printed by F. Champenois, Paris, c.1899 (colour litho), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Advertising poster for “Job Cigarette Paper” by Mucha, 1898.
Advertising poster for “Job Cigarette Paper” by Mucha, 1898.

LSE4106896: Advertising poster for “Job Cigarette Paper” by Mucha, 1898., Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

The Apotheosis of the Slavs, from the 'Slav Epic', 1926 (oil and tempera on canvas)
The Apotheosis of the Slavs, from the 'Slav Epic', 1926 (oil and tempera on canvas)

MCA178436: The Apotheosis of the Slavs, from the 'Slav Epic', 1926 (oil and tempera on canvas), Mucha, Alphonse Marie (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

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