Brown, John George (1831-1913)

Creator details

Brown, John George (1831-1913)

Assets (78 in total)

The Little Joker (oil on canvas)
Claiming the Shot: After the Hunt in the Adirondacks, 1865 (oil on canvas)
Perfectly Happy, 1885 (w/c on paper)
A Story of the Sea, 1883 (oil on canvas)
Professional Pride, (oil on canvas)
Wants to be One of Them
Curling; a Scottish Game, at Central Park, 1862 (oil on canvas)
I'll Share With You,  (oil on canvas)
A Leisure Hour, 1881 (oil on canvas)
Children Dancing in the Street, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Shoeshine Boy, 1902 (oil on canvas)
The Little Strollers, 1874 (oil on canvas)

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