Sir Francis Lovel, viscount Lovel of Tichmersh and lord Holand, 1483-1487 (chromolitho), Hope, William St John (1854-1919) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Humphrey Stafford, earl of Stafford, earl and duke of Buckingham, 1429-1460 (chromolitho), Hope, William St John (1854-1919) / Bridgeman Images
Sir John Beaufort, earl of Kendal and earl and duke of Somerset, c 1440-1444 (chromolitho), Hope, William St John (1854-1919) / Bridgeman Images
Sir John Mowbray, earl of Surrey and Warenne, duke of Norfolk and earl marshal, 1472-1475-6 (chromolitho), Hope, William St John (1854-1919) / Bridgeman Images