Shepard, Ernest Howard (1879-1976)

Creator details

Shepard, Ernest Howard (1879-1976)

Assets (49 in total)

Script Writing at the Bronte's (ballpoint pen, pencil)
May I Climb Up?
Rat Pulling Mole out of the River, illustration from 'The Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame (pen & ink on paper)
An illustration to Kenneth Grahame's 'The Wind in the Willows': ''Mayn't I sing them just one little song?' he pleaded piteously' (pen & ink on paper)
Instructions from the wicket, c.1925 (pencil on paper)
Jerry Built or The New Order, 1940 (pen and ink on paper)
When I was in thrall to the fair hair and fairer eyes of Alice Weston, from 'Everybody's Lamb' by A. C. Ward (ed.), published 1933 (pen and ink on paper)
Harrison's Farm, c.1949 (pen and ink on paper)
The Mutton was Bad, c.1930 (pen and ink on paper)
Stalin and ‘The New Lure’, study for a ‘Punch’ cartoon, c.1945 (pencil on paper)
A cradle of talent for the concert platform and the stage: the Guildhall School of Music (litho)

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